Honestly, i have never had a paranormal experience but my mother has had them from the time she was young. She grew up in a a haunted house where she would hear "something" running up and down the stairs when noone was there. She currently lives in a house where ALL the TVs would turn them selves on/off by themselves and the lights would dim then brighten. There was one instance where she told me that she walked in a room and there was a ball bounching on its own(~2' high) then suddently stopped. She constantly sees ghosts, and there was one time where she woke up to an older woman humming. I dont know what it is, but they seem to follow her (i know it sounds crazy). Maybe its cuz she played with a Ouija board when she was younger. Well........whats yours?
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This is my personal experience.
I have experienced sleep paralysis from early childhood and I gotta tell you, It's HORRIFYING!!! but no where close to be supernatural phenomena.
Somehow I knew from early childhood that despite the fact of always being scared of stuff, I just knew that it was just another spooky thing and nothing to really worry about.
Sleep paralysis which explains A LOT of supernatural phenomena works like this:
You lie down with intentions to go to sleep, you may be in bed, on a couch, etc... in my experience it has involved sleeping while watching TV,,, as you start to snooze off and drift into sleep your brain disengages non essential body motor functions so that you don't act them out on your dreams, for example, if you are dreaming that your a football QB running with the ball you will not be kicking and flailing your extremities all over the bed... some slight twitching and minor body movement is normal but not acting out a full 20-yard sprint ending on a dog pile,,, then somehow you are semi awaken, you wake up, ..but you can barely open your eyes, you can see and hear BUT can't move, what's worse is that some residual dream matter now appears in your real world, some by vision, auditory or even both, that's the REAL scary stuff because there's no doubt that you know that you are awake and you can see this ,,, "football guy floating in your living room",,, or worse yet if you were having a nightmare or some odd dream,,, then shortly after you fully wake up where you immediately feel like a ton of weight was lifted from you, now you can move freely, see and hear to perfection and surprise! The floating football guy, dragon or whatever gone,,, not an accident but a very normal process of sleep paralysis.
The frustration of trying to speak to someone laying by you, seeing them but not being noticed, wanting to scream but not being able to is really not easy to handle but I have to admit that after a few episodes you adapt and learn how to cope with it.
I used to have them mostly as a child, a few times during my 20's, just a couple during my early 30's, now it's been many years since I had one but I'm now well prepared.
I have seen interviews about ghosts on TV and had to roll my eyes!!! This is on reputable documentaries shows too !!! Same with UFO experiences, abduction types, clearly a case of sleep paralysis but these people insisted of the reality of it. Well, I tell you what! If you see it and hear it and feel it then it becomes real, problem is that during the sleep paralysis episodes there's a surreal aura during the paralysis phase but it all ends abruptly as it passes on its own and of course, all the paranormal elements gone!!! ...leaving as usual NOT a trace of reality, at least for me! No footballs left behind, no gatorade jugs, no dragon teeth, NOTHING!!!... ;)
Now the double whammer!!!
if you suffer from a s little sleep paralysis and reside on an area affected by infrasounds,,, then you automatically live in Ghost town!!! Because you will be able to see and hear stuff during your daily routine and continue as you sleep,,, enough to make you mad UNLESS you educate yourself about these things and realize that are perfectly normal.
Here's more about infrasounds.
Sleep paralysis.
One final comment in case I haven't written enough ;)
I, by no means claim this to be easy, I KNOW from personal experience how flat out scary this is, not only the sleep paralysis but the sense of supernatural occurrences in your daily routine. Once you can understand the logic behind it it will also remove your fears of what it is a natural process.
Some people will NOT WANT to be removed from the paranormal equation and either chose consciously or subconsciously to remain in the dark sort of speak and that's fine with me, I mean, there's an element of romanticism about it... just quit screaming bloody ghost every time you "see" one!
Thank you!
I've only had one past experience when I was around maybe 13 years old. I was home alone that day, and I had to go to the bathroom. I figured that if I was at home, I didn't need to close the door, because it would only take me about a minute to use the restroom. Anyways, as I was sitting there, I suddenly caught like a shadow walk across the doorway! It was in the daylight too, and there are no possible way a shadow could have been cast based on the angle of the windows/my bathroom and such.
I've had paranormal experiances for as long as I can remember. Though as a child they were a lot clearer than they are now. I'll just tell you my weirdest/most scary experiance I've ever had.
When I was 14 (so 5 years ago) my great Aunt died. She wasn't a nice woman and she hated (really really hated) me from the second she met me. I hated her too but unlike her I never said anything about it to her face. The night she died, me and my father were at home while mum was at the hospital with her. All the power in our house suddenly went off at about 10pm, dad checked the power box and no switches had been tripped and the people next doors lights were still on. Just as dad made his way back into the house his cell phone rang, it was mum calling to say my great aunt had died a few minutes before she called.
For the next year random odd things would happen, my cd player would turn itself on even when unplugged, doors would slam open and a clock she left mum would chime when the had no mechanism in it.
A year to the day after her death was when the scary incident happened. More weird occurances than usual had happened that day so I couldn't wait to fall asleep and have things go back to normal the following day.
I was heading down our long hallway to my room which was at the very end (my parent's room was at the opposite end of the house) when I started to freak out for no apparent reason. I usually hated walking down the hallway at night as it was dark (the light switch was halfway between mine and my parents room) and narrow but that night I literally ran to my room. Only thing is my door slammed shut before I reached it and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't open. The hairs on the back of my neck stood upright and I could feel breath on the back of my neck. Not for the first time I might add but this time felt wrong somehow. The hallway was much darker than usual, there was no light at all and I couldn't see a thing. The air got really heavy and my breathing became short and ragged (I get panic attacks so I believe my hard breathing was the start of one). Then there was this smell, a smell I will always remember from my aunt's house. A general old smell; musty and unpleasant (a mix of urine, smoke and damp wood). By that time I was panicking, trying desperatly to open my door still and almost crying. That's when I heard the voice right behind my head. It was almost like an angry hiss, like when you talk through clenched teeth. It was my aunt's voice (I'll never forget her voice, raspy and harsh). It said one word, a very unpleasant 4 letter word starting with a C and ending in a T. Thats what my aunt use to call me. As I said she wasn't a nice woman.
Then, just as quickly as it had happened, the hallway lighting returned to normal, the breath on my neck stopped and my door opened when I turned the handle...
It scared the crap out of me.
Oh and another experiance I'll add in is, I'm currently home alone (in a different house than the afore mentioned experiance happened) and my toilet just flushed and there has been tapping on my wall for the last hour or so.
You want just one lol? I have tons.
Top Hat Guy
Top Hat Guy (or THG for short) is a shadowy supernatural figure with a top hat and cane. My first sighting of THG came one night when I walking across campus (returning from the newsroom I believe) and there he was – standing right behind a building. He scared me like nothing had ever scared me before. He was very shadowy and I couldn’t really see his face well during that first encounter. But I remembered clearly his long coat, long dark hair and of course the top hat and cane, which he was swinging back and forth as he walked jauntily. I remember too that he was sort of walking in place for a bit before he dissapeared around the corner of the building.
My second encounter with THG came not much later. I walked out of my dorm room and saw him standing at the end of the hall in front of the window. He was not there very long though – I just caught a glimpse and then he dissapeared.
My third, final and most frightening encounter was when I saw THG in the doorway of my dormroom. It may have been the same night I saw him in the hall but I’m not sure. I remember that my friend/neighbor and I were both terrified of THG and we decided to keep out doors open while we slept (you know, I am really not sure why we thought this would help anything lol). I had slept for a couple of hours but not well. I kept waking up with a frightened feeling. I don’t remember what time it was but it was well into the night when I woke up and felt like someone was staring at me. I looked at the doorway and there he was – THG! This was the best look I had gotten of him too. I could see clearly he had sunglasses but oddly I either couldn’t see or don’t remember what the rest of his face looked like – almost as if it weren’t there, just floating sunglasses. I also noticed his long hair was very black and very very ratty like it had never been brushed. His coat and buttons though were new looking and shiny as was his cane.
To this day, I have never seen THG again but for awhile after the third encounter I was terrified of seeing him again. I remember doing protection spells and being afraid to sleep at night. I had literally dozens of little light things (lava lamps, holiday lights, neon lights, etc) that I kept on all night along with the TV. I remember one instance where my friend and I tried to make him show his face but he didn’t. Who knows, maybe WE scared HIM away?
well i live in a very old apartment building on the upper west side in new york. it is said someone was murdered. me and my friends will put a glass of orange juice in the middle of the table, and it will suddenly be split everywhere on the floor, and the glass is in the same place. we will sometimes hear things, like almost like a whisper. when my parents bought me this apartment, it was only intended for the weekends when i wasn't at my boarding school, but me and two friends moved in full time, and very late at night, it's almost like you can feel the 'energy' like the room doesn't feel empty. you have had to have a paranormal experience to maybe understand that. it actually gets scary, the candles always flicker like crazy and blow out by themselves, it gets very scary sometimes. there will be nights where we will all go onto the balcony and fall asleep because we are so scared to sleep in our rooms. (we have a really big balcony)
well, there you go.
So many answers so little time. OK i"ll pick one or two. 1. Early in my first marriage I lived in this house in upstate NY. We rented it from my sister in law who never would explain why she moved out. Right off the bat I noticed random cold spots all over the house. Things would vanish and show up days later. The kitchen clock would never be on the right time no matter how often you reset it, replaced the batteries or just replaced the whole clock. One morning I came downstairs to find the hands of the clock spinning around and around. When it got a bit colder we discovered we could warm this place up no matter what the heat was set at. But the final straw was when we went on a working vacation. I had laid out my best suit and in the process of packing every thing else it vanished. Honey...did you pack my suit? No? We searched the whole house for an hour and could not find the suit. So I packed another, Put out extra food and water for the cats, we were only gone for 3 days, and away we went. When we came home the suit was where I had laid it out, the cats were shut in the bedroom which thank god had the food and water but not, ick, the litter box. In fact every door in the house had been closed. The cats door had been blocked open with one of those little rubber wedges which we never found. That's just the highlights, tons of strange things happened in this house. We moved out shortly after. 2. When I was about 19 I had a job selling music libraries door to door. I had stopped at a payphone to report a sale and get my next lead when I got a chill. I'm not easy to sneak up on but there behind me was the very pale sad eyed man. Everything about him felt off. I was a bit spooked and wondering if I'd have to fight off a mugger so I told him give me 2 seconds and you can have the phone. In the time it took to tell the lady on the other end of the line I would call her right back, hang up and turn around he was gone. The nearest cover he could have got to was 75-100 yards away. There is no way he could have run and hid without me hearing much less in the very brief time I'd taken my eyes off him. Creeped out I went to a busy convenience store, called in and got my next lead. I passed the phone booth I'd been at before on the way and about 2 tenths of a mile past it came across a couple of emergency vehicles and a mangled car on it's roof. I saw a picture in the paper the next day about the accident and the young man it showed bore a stricking resemblance to my sad eyed visiter. Don't ask me why but things like this have been happening off and on my entire life. There's way more but times up for me right now. sorry. I will say many "ghost" sightings and events are very explainable, old houses, a bit of dust in your eye giving you what looks like a person out of the corner of your eye. Not saying that is your case just saying not all that goes bump in the night is a ghost. On the other hand quite a bit of it is. Some of my prior answers outline a few more of my experiences. Hope your ghost stays cool. Pleasent dreams.
NEVER USE A OUIJA BOARD..it supposedly brings evil spirits...my mom had a baby that died...her roses from her casked stayed as fresh as the first day cut for one year....her mother who was Catholic was obsessed with the Sacred Heart of Jesus...she saw Jesus on her dying bed and she died on the feast of the Sacred heart...she also had a goiter which is a tumor that grows on your thyroid...she went to St. Ann's Novena...a big thing in our area people come from all over the country and pray for 9 days...my grandmother never missed it...and after the novena..her goiter went away..no doctor could figure that one out. My neice who was 10 was sleeping on her dad's birthday...he came to her in a dream and told her not to worry that he will be with her forever....he died that night...on his birthday...at a hotel casino out of town....my brother also came to me in a dream and told me to help my neice out because he couldn't be there for her anymore.....I do have a very keen 6th sense--which is what some call your gut feeling..I never go against it anymore because if I do I only live to regret it...it saved my life because I had a gut feeling to stop this day for gas even though I wasn't going on a trip til the next day...it was an all service gas station...yes there are a few still around, and he noticed my front tire was low and had a nail in it and he fixed it...I would've been on the turnpike the next day and had gotten a flat and would've been all alone....There are a lot of mysteries in this world, there are two few of us to care to think about them.
just yesterday morning, was sitting at the computer, everybody else was asleep, when directly in front of me, I heard a loud, "Pssst!" My laptop is at the kitchen table, and the sound came from the direction of the kitchen counter, just to my right. Been a while since I've heard one that loud.
your mother... if it helps at all...Ive noticed that if you're inclined to notice them, they're inclined to notice you. Because you CAN makes it more likely that THEY will find YOU. I'm not sure how, but there's something about those of us who are aware of them that allows them to easily notice us. It might honestly just be our guides helping them out, I don't really know for sure.
Oh gee. This is really weird. I think I was sleeping in my closet, or on the floor one day. And I woke up and went "Ehhh!" kinda loud. Then I heard a fierce woman's voice say "SHUT UP!" really quick and stern. No one was in the room. Then I could have sworn I seen a face on the wall.
Then I think it was that night I was going to sleep and I heard these noises in my room. It was really weird.
if the board didnt say good bye to her then it becomes a portal to the other side so yes shes haunted not the house
ive had many