I've been having these weird snips and bits of the future in my dreams that i feel like i've seen before....like, one time i was sitting in this truck and a farmer passed by... i don't know what this means. But when it happened i had this feeling that i had seen this before. like in my dreams. there are many other things that have happened like this. and idk what to think anymore, is it possible that im just imagining? Or is it that i really am just receiving bits of the future?? i have no idea what to think.. im just scared.. is this normal? please dont be rude... my grandpa just passed away a year ago, is he sending me messages? please help me.. im scared.. just scared.
Update:BTW i don't think that im going to have "Seizures" Because its not at all common in my family! - never has anyone in my family had a seizure before.. just saying. thanks anyway.
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As has been noted by other posters there are multiple possible explanations. It is possible that these are indicative of some organic problem, and it might be worthwhile having this possibility checked out. It is possible also that this is what is called "deja vu", which while generally accepted as real by the scientific community is also borderline paranormal. People who record their dreams in detail have sometimes found that they truly have dreamed on an experience prior to the experience occurring, and science has no truly plausible explanation for this occurring as often as it does. However, the explanations that allow for ghosts also make these experiences of deja vu quite plausible.
Deja Vu is normal. I have seen incidents (scenes) that I have dreamed of also and get this weird feeling when the imagery falls into place in real life. The prosaic explaination is a Perceptive "hiccup" or discontinuity where you first see, -- The brain has a little electrical hiccup, Then see again--and you "rember" seeing it before. If you are open to ESP studies it can also be an incident of spontanious "precognition" a little "glimpse" into the future---but usually meaningless. with the discontinuity of time, quantum /brin physics, within the realm of possibility.
Some Spiritual people say that Deja Vu also happens when we visit a place we have been in a "Past Life" (as in reincarnation)--- THIS type of Deja Vu however is usually associated with a place, and in a historical sense of a past time.----Dont laugh. There is MORE "hard" evidence of Reincarnation than for any other survival after death.
I am going to be very serious right now - what you are experiencing sounds a lot like the early signs of a seizure condition.
Prior to being diagnosed with my condition (which only happened after I had a Grand Mal seizure while riding with someone) I had identical 'Petit Mal' seizures where i would experience what felt like a 'dream flashback' where I had seen or heard something exactly the same way before (like deja-vu, but much stronger).
I am admittedly skeptical of paranormal/supernatural experiences - however my concern is that you are suffering from an actual condition - one that might get worse, and could be dangerous to yourself or others, especially if you are old enough to drive.
There is medication called 'Dilantin' (generic; phentoyin sodium) that, if taken daily (and I mean daily - no skipping), will completely eliminate the Petit Mal seizures, and prevent Grand Mal ones from occurring as well.
Please - talk to a doctor or neurologist ASAP. Thank you.
Hi, It could be that you are receiving a message from someone that has past away, you have to look at other things such as, how do you feel when you see the furniture? and is there a connection between the furniture and your Grandpa, that could link it to him? how long have you been having the same dreams? there are a lot of other things to take into account, such as, are you feeling well at the moment? do you take prescribed medication? (as the side effects from some can cause symptoms like this) and have you talked to someone about the loss of your Grandpa? once you have looked at other factors then maybe there will be more avenues to look down.
I hope this will help in some way, much love xx
This happens to me a lot.
I will sometimes just be sitting around a table with my friends and they will be talking about something and then I will remember the same exact same thing happening before in my dreams. It's weird but kind of cool don't know what it means though.
Are you sure you are not just experiencing deja vu? If you are it's a pretty normal thing, most people experience it at some stage and it's just a little glitch in your perception, not anything paranormal.