Should 18 year olds be able to spend the night with their boyfriends?
I am a college freshman and have recently turned 18. I am living in the dorms but my house is about 30 minutes away and my 23 year old boyfriend lives about 10 minutes away. On the weekends I have been staying with hime at his apartment. My parents have found out and are claiming that I should still be living under their rules because they are paying for the dorm. Therefore, I should not be spending the night with him. They claim that I am abusing my independence and that if I want to continue living on campus I must pay for it myself. Also, staying with him has had no effect on my grades. I am an honors student with a's and do not party and drink on the weekends like other students. My parents never want to see my boyfriend again and will resent me as long as we are dating. Are they overreacting, or was I wrong for being 18 and wanting more independence then when I lived at home? Plus all my tuition is paid for cause of scholarships.
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He could stay with me at the dorm, there is not any rules against that cause we can make our own choices in college, but I was being respectfull of my roommate
3 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.
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Also, they are making me chose between him or them since I like to spend my weekends with him instead of them.
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You are a grown woman and a legal adult. If you don't agree with your parents then maybe you should make a point and pay for your own dorm room or even apartment. Getting a part time job now can pay for your dorm room for next semester or maybe you can try getting a grant of some type. I'd stay away from financial aid unless you REALLY had to. After all even though the interest is low...there is still interest and the loan will have to be paid off eventually.
Having your boyfriend stay with you at the dorms seem pretty juvenile while he has his own apartment. You're right too consideration for your roommate's privacy. I had a temporary roommate that had her boyfriend stay over the weekends and it was creepy because he could actually see me sleeping.
Life is full of choices we make. You're parents will always be there . . . even if they do get mad at you. Sure they'd be upset for a while and maybe the won't pay for your dorm room, but they'll always love you. Is the boyfriend really worth all the hassle or is standing up to your parents important enough. What ever you decide make sure you clearly state how you feel about the whole situation.