I asked several questions recently dealing with the existence of God and though some of them may have seemed a little arrogant, that was never the intention. I got some answers saying that true believers know God is real because they have actually experienced him. No specific examples were provided and so I'm asking this question to allow people to discuss in more detail. I'm an Atheist and you probably already think there's no way I'll understand but I am asking this question strictly for the purpose of knowledge and honest discussion.
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I see what you mean, you are just trying to understand. Honestly, many people deny the supernatural and the existence of deity, but I look at it like this. "God" IS existence, the universe. I do not believe in coincidences because if you look at it what truly is a coincidence. Could all circumstances and life's lessons really be just a random thing going on?
Since the beginning of time we've all looked to different theories about our creation and the presence of a greater power, but now as we are coming into a new age we are seeing that everything, from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest building, it is all God. God is existence and the universe and we create our own energy, our own realities in life.
Believe as you will, but most would agree that what you put out you get back. And that you learn life's lessons very convieniently and through experience. I don't think that can be summed up in any manmade religion, such as Christianity, Islam, but looking towards the inner self, the inner kingdom and seeing yourself as a part of God, the God within.
Sorry for sounding too mystic and all that, its just a presence I feel all around me and inside me. Has nothing to do with creation myths or man-made written books such as the Bible.
Thank you for this question and for being so reasonable and nice about it. Unfortunately not too many atheists are nice like that and can be just as arrogant as many people who follow religions (especially fundamentalist/conservative creationist Christians) are.
Remember its what's within, its not always some big white bearded man sitting on a throne.
When I say I'm an atheist perhaps I'm using the wrong title, because I believe in a higher power but not any of the man made religions about. But I try and lead a good life and when I ask for help I get it generally, and when things go wrong and I can't see a way out, I trust that somehow things will work out and they do without doing anything. That probably doesn't help, but faith in maybe fate or whatever it works for me
This language as you say is very common among believers in the church. It is knows as tongues. It is a gift of spiritual language that God gives to certain individuals. It's a confusing concept to understand, but essentially, it's a unique form of praise that only God can fully interpret. Don't be afraid of her, she was filled with the holy spirit in her. On another note, glad to see you have accepted jesus!
It was a direct experience of God's presence that led to my conversion from atheism to theism. But in all honesty, if you are anything like me, you won't be convinced by it. Had it been anyone but me, I would have rejected it as delusion or some other sort of mental hiccup. Since it was me and it was the most real experience of my life, I've got no choice but to act on it. For me to deny God's existence is equivalent to denying my own. But that is the one and only time I've ever 'directly' experienced God. Truth be told, I have no desire to repeat it. I am not ready to stand in the full presence of my creator.
My experiances have to do with praying and studying the Bible. While God does not directly speak to anyone anymore, we can, however, speak to him through prayer. Perhaps my most interesting experiance with prayer was one day when I read an article about space. The scientists in it were talking about how much they had discovered, how great their equipment was, blah blah, blah, so I prayed to God for something to happen to them, just to remind them that they were still only human. Soon enough, a couple weeks afterwards, an astraunaut working in outside of a space shuttel dropped his bag of tools, and lost everything (in the news, btw). Somehow, I think God might have had a hand in it. God answers prayers.
It's a hard question to answer in the concrete because we are talking about such abstract and large spiritual concepts.
The best I can do is to say that when I'm looking back over my life, I can clearly see something moving through it that guides me, upholds me, nourishes me, etc.
I have a naturally analytical mind, and after all the data comes in and goes out, the answer I get is: God.
Not the false god that Pat Robertson and the blind-faithers talk about. I mean the God of infinite love and healing that Jesus talked about. At least that's my perception of my lifetime of experience.
I'm open to the fact that I could be wrong. But so far, nothing/nobody has proven me wrong.
Stay that way. Atheists are generally happier, better people than religious people. And no, they (Religious people) haven't experienced him, they were delusional. I'm not Atheist, but I strongly do not believe the Christian god exists, or in the Christian doctrine. I'm very much open to the possibility that I could be wrong, but so far nobody proved me wrong ;)
(Taken from another answer :P)
The Bible is called God's Word, but so is Jesus. One day I was having a bad day at work. I was getting in trouble for being slow. I was slow because they needed me to do something that I didn't usually do. I was getting frustrated and just wanted to give up and cry. That wasn't an option, though. I started to pray in frustration and then started to worship God. Then I remembered that Jesus is called the Word in John's Gospel. So, I started just reciting every Bible verse I had memorized. I instantly felt God's Holy Spirit comfort me. That's one story I'll tell you.I've got others.
I've had certain instances where I've prayed for help with things and have gotten it. I really don't think explaining any of them would help you though. As an atheist you don't believe in prayer or being helped, you would just shrug it off as will power. This is not meant to sound mean in response either. =)
There are plenty and the best part is that proof is everywhere.
I am alive
You are alive
Women can have children
We can think
Our bodies are fully functional and equipped with everything we need to survive
You live off of an Earth that He created
You have free will
Need I say more??
These are miracles that take place everyday.