Guys, my best friend just called crying because she felt that this guy she just gave oral s** to in the car doesnt want to go further. She said she thought it would be ok because he said he was looking to date casually. Now, she's worried she's a ****. What do you guys think? I think that it really just depends on the guy. she says he didnt force her. she wants to like go out with him but i told her that hey he has her number now so if he doesnt call her in 2 weeks, ignore him she wants casually dating and told him. like she wants to go out on dates and have fun but also be able to be free sexually. he said likewise. they both are supposedly anti-clingly. he said the thing he fears about dating is the getting attached and the girl wanting to crowd him too much
Update:she just wasnt sure how he would react since every sign is different.
Update 3:she just told me today that he said his last ex-gf was an aquarius. lol. shes one too.
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Think twice about oral sex ;)
Good Luck
I am sure you understand that there is more to astrology than sun signs. You probably have other Pisces or water placements in your chart, too! You could also have a well placed and strong Venus or Neptune. I know what you mean though, but I really would not consider Pisces influenced men to be "weak." Maybe they are by society's standards, which is really sad. We are all our own person, even if we're not what our gender is supposed to conform to. You will find a woman who appreciates you for you. They are out there. I know it seems that a lot of women want a bad guy who insults them and are physically strong. I know my best friend LOVES Pisces influenced guys. She gives them a chance and she even attracts them, too! In a way I can understand you, considering I have an Aries Mars in the First House, and to make matters worse Mars is my dominant planet and it's heavily aspected. Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury are also dominant planets too in my chart. The Moon, Venus, and Neptune are ranked pretty low. And I also have a heavily influenced fire in my chart. I don't consider myself masculine AT ALL, but I'm not ultra feminine either, which it seems like most guys want. I have both "masculine" and "feminine" personality traits about me, which is good!! I also think that there could be some women who like you, but you just don't know it. There have been times I was thinking all the time,"OMG guys don't like me" when there were some guys who did but they didn't tell me. You just need to find the right woman and when you do, you will be a good boyfriend/husband and a good father ( if you want kids, that is )
Talk about priorities messed up! She is concerened that he thinks she is a s lut yet she gave him oral s ex in a car before going out on a date?! Get real tell your friend to keep her mouth and legs closed until she understands the importance of self worth.
Why do i get the feeling you are the "friend"?
I don't see what the heck this has to do with Astrology, period! Sound like the girl is too easy and NO man no matter what his sign is would want a deep committed relationship with this type of girl...unless he was pimping her out.
sometimes these guys want to play the field for awhile but when they fall for you fast then they will keep loving usually forever....
my son is pisces and hes married 3 yrs
youre or shes not the right sign for him though
this sh*t makes no sense. basically, the girl went down on him, it might have not been good head, so that's why he said ''no further'' or maybe it was okay, and he decided she might be the clingy type and he should not hit it cause she will become a stage 2 clinger, or maybe he's a closet homo. Who knows.
What does this have to do with him being a pisces??Sounds like an average young male;why by the cow when you can get the milk(and if she'll do that with him right away,who else has she done it with?)?PS., If she's giving him head and they're not even dating she IS a ****.
Scratch all the stuff you guys are worked up over. There's one thing and one thing only that much self respect that you have. Try some spirituality books. Deepok Chopra, anybody?
What does that have to do with him being a Pisces?
dumb move. You can't keep him interested if you give it up right away.