Okay I'm 24 weeks and just told by my doctor that i have Placenta Previa. The most i have read on it is that that Placenta cover or partially covers the cervix. But my dr. told me i have low placenta. She says it isn't serious but to be aware that i may spot.
What are my chances of spotting with low placenta and is it possible for this to turn into Complete Placenta Previa?
Also, can this cause premature labor?
And one more question pertaining to PP, sorry, but i wanted to have vaginal delivery this time around, is having PP lessoning my chance for that?
Also, the Ultrasound tech. wanted me to come in for another US 2 weeks after my last one cause she couldn't get a good view of the front of his face. Dr. thought it was unnecessary. Does this mean anything? Or am i being too paranoid that there is something wrong with him?
Okay, sorry about the questions, i'm just really concerned. Thank you.
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Because you've still got a while to go, your placenta may end up in a better spot as your uterus continues to grow. It's too early for your doctor to be able to tell if you'll be able to have a vaginal birth. I'm sure they'll schedule another ultrasound sometime around 32 or 34 weeks to see where your placenta is.
My mom had placenta previa when she had my youngest sister. As her pregnancy progressed, her placenta was no longer covering her cervix, and she was able to have a vaginal birth. She hemorrhaged really badly but they said it wasn't from the position of the placenta, and she did turn out all right in the end. I have a friend also who had placenta previa and she had to have a c-section.
Don't worry about the ultrasound tech and the view of the baby...sometimes the baby just won't turn the way they want them to for the ultrasound...doesn't mean anything's wrong, you just have an active baby. They couldn't tell if my youngest was a boy or a girl until 34 weeks because she was a little lady :D and kept her legs closed.
At this point, I wouldn't worry about placenta previa. Many low-lying placentas shift throughout pregnancy and end up in the correct position. 24 weeks is still very early to worry about that, as there is still quite a bit of time for it to shift. No, it won't pick up and move itself, but as the uterus grows, it changes its position within the uterus. I had an anterior placenta, one placed in the front of the uterus, rather than in the posterior position, in the back. At my last ultrasound, the placenta had moved into a fundal position, so it is sitting at the top of my uterus now. This is common with anterior placentas, so shift as the uterus grows. Chances are, the placenta will end in a posterior position.
With placenta previa, unfortunately, unless the placenta shifts and opens up the cervical exit, a vaginal delivery is not possible, and your doctor will schedule a c-section for you. Attempting a vaginal delivery with even partial placenta previa risks infection, hemorraging and even fetal or maternal death.
Do not get concerned yet though, as I said, there is still lots of time for the placenta to shift and move out of the way of your cervix, thus making a vaginal delivery possible. Discuss it in further detail with your doctor and ask about all your possibilities.
Good luck.