Okay so about two months ago i started getting these little bumps on my arm & i thought it was an allergic reaction to something so i let it go. Time goes on..they get worse..multiply & become really puffy/red/horrible. I freak out, see two doctors who had no idea what they were talking about so I go to see a dermatologist. He tells me i have bed bugs. I FREAK. So im looking & looking like an incessant madwoman at all hours of the day/night/afternoon & so on. I had no typical bed bug symptoms, no remnants, my grandmother who had them in the 50s said no..its not bed bugs. So i think & remember the people who lived in this place before me were pigs & had cats so what if they had fleas? Fleas can live in the walls/under carpets for months without food. But im not the least bit itchy and from my research & understanding i should be itching like crazy. i have some more random bumps on my legs, lower back, upper arms; very spread out, not clustered like my forearms. I haven't seen anything new since late november & i've been spraying insecticides and vaccuming like crazy. I have no pets. the thing that concerns me is the bumps that seemed to be going down are now inflaming again. I'm not sure if that's flea-bite behavior? I'm really scared because i'm getting a puppy tomorrow & i don't want it to die because i heard fleas can be fatal to puppies but i'm not sure if these symptoms seem relatable to fleas! I'm so scared someone please give me experienced advice! :(
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Doesn't sound like fleas, you should be seeing them if their are enough to be biting you that much. Just be sure to put Frontline plus on your puppy to avoid bringing any fleas home.
Everything will be ok .
I have raised several dogs from pups and it is part of it .
1. Make sure they have their Parvo shots and keep them up usally a couple of time in the first months after that at least once a year this kills all type of little pest like Heart worms and keeps them from getting sick after if the happen to eat after another dog or cat. in the 2.summer keep their coats trimmed short and always groom them anytime you have to spare" it is good for their coats and will keep the fleas down also.
3. their are all types of flea sprays and can be purchased at Walmart or tractor supply, and then there is the drops that you can get and work pretty good and you can buy them in a pack and use 1 Vile every month and or after every Bath.
if you have anymore questions my E-mail Adress is [email protected] .
Rember daily grooming is the key { you brush or comb your hair daily well I would hope so} same with the dogs make it fun and they will want to be brushed all the time .
have fun and enjoy your Dog it can be your Best friend if treated right.
before you get the puppy, use something in your house called a fogger or a "bomb".
you have to leave the place for the day.
don't leave any pets there, like fish or birds,or the pup.
also:call an exterminator and ask to be sure:some companies use dogs to sniff out the bed bugs:when the bedbug is young,its very small,you may not see them!
The dog goes by scent and will not lie or make a mistake:if the previous people had bedbugs,you inherited them!
these bugs able to stay alive for a year without any "food"-blood!
Fleas can live a long time without food. My mother swears that the best way to get rid of them is by killing their eggs. She sprinkles BORAX (which you can buy at any grocery store) on all the floors and furniture. Then, after it's been sitting there for 10-15 minutes, she vacuums it all up.
Before you get the dog, call an exterminator and have your home thoroughly de-bugged.
puppies will not die from fleas, get a comb for them, consult vet for proper treatment in their age range...