I just want to know how many people have experienced these as I have not and I am 19 weeks 3 days pregnant. I am amazed at how every pregnancy is different.
Bleeding Gums
Bleeding or spotting
Eye Dryness
Vision Changes
Hip Soreness
"Mask of pregnancy" (Chloasma)
Pubic bone pain
Heightened sense of smell
Yeast infections
Update:I thought you were suppose to get cravings around the first trimester, but everyone is telling me its actually later in pregnancy!
Update 3:I had hyperemesis as well, but I haven't thrown up in a few weeks! :-)
Update 5:I haven't had my nipples change color at all either.
I have only gained 1 lb so far.
I have definitely been fatigued and emotional.
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i had bleeding gums, when i brushed.
craving: lemon juice, tons of it, and as a result, tons of tums, lol
heightened sense of smell- could only drink bottled water, water stunk like chlorine although that was only early on.
don't forget heartburn. omg it was hot. like a firey volcano erupting in the back of my throat.
that's it for me. i barely even got the linea nigra or darkened nipples. in fact i didn't even gain 20lbs (trust me i ate plenty) and some people thought i didn't even look pregnant at 8 months.
my best friend got hemorrhoids and varicose veins tho, bummer.
i don't know much about it, but sciatic nerve pain will be in your back or legs. i hear it's rather painful. i think it's when baby "hits a nerve" literally haha.
Bleeding Gums: Yep, and tooth aches.. part of my tooth actually fell off?!!!?!?
Bleeding or spotting: none thank god
Cravings:Just fruit really, i mainly have food aversions.. like i can no longer eat fast food, which i guess isn't a bad thing lol
Eye Dryness:no
Vision Changes: yep just a little worse, not much
Hemorrhoids:oh gosh yes and it is no fun, i had one from my sons birth and it made friends this pregnancy
Hip Soreness:none
"Mask of pregnancy" (Chloasma) Yes, its weird.. i also developed a new freckle on my stomach and a few new ones on my leg!
Pubic bone pain:nope
Heightened sense of smell:not really
Yeast infections: i had 2 within the first few months.. sucky
36 weeks, also no morning sickness, not even once! No backpain,no stretch marks yay! But i would of traded the horrible teeth pain for 9 months of horrible morning sickness mixed with every single one of those symptoms!
I am 28 weeks today
no bleeding gums
no bleeding or spotting
cravings, yes!
no eye dryness
no vision changes
yes, hemorrhoids, but went away
slight hip soreness, not much
no mask of pregnancy,just extra hair on my cheeks (UGH!)
YES, pubic bone pain for almost a week now
Yes, with the heightened sense of smell, especially that I quit smoking
one yeast infection at the begining of pregnancy
And as for my cravings, I have been getting them since around 12-14 weeks.
Not much dizzyness
Good Luck
I had cramping, nausea, and having to pee a lot. I had sore breasts, but only slightly worse than if I were just getting my period. I get symptoms really early (did with both pregnancies)-- I could tell I was pregnant by my symptoms before I could even get a positive on the pregnancy test!
I am just 22 weeks and am finally past all of the sickness, I never threw up but was put on meds to be able to stomach any foods, I couldn't stand the smell or look of food.
I did spot for a day or two when I first found out but I was todlt hat it was a mass, (a second egg that wasn't fertilized) I could have had twins...wheewww!!!!
Other than this, my husband has been getting the cravings not me, YET!!!
Bleeding Gums, Cravings, Eye Dryness, Hemorrhoids, Hip Soreness, Pubic bone pain,Yeast infections i am 24 weeks and i also experience severe leg cramps in the middle of the night! IT SUCKS!! I dont have the sense of smell cause i lost it 9 months ago in an accident. i wish i had it
Heightened sense of smell, cravings, hip soreness, pubic bone pain (not until late pregnancy though), morning sickness the whole time!!!!!!!!!! Sciatic nerve pain, gestational diabetes, dizziness lol too much to list!! I loved it though and would do it again in a heart beat!
Cravings, Heightened sense of smell, Vision Changes and hip soreness
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the anal canal. They can be itchy, bleeding and/or painful protrusions just under the skin. To get rid of hemorrhoids you can use this natural method that already have thousands of positive reviews https://tr.im/cFhOh
There are two types internal and external. Internal are inside the anal canal in the lower rectum and external are at the anus. They result from increased pressure in the veins often due to straining during bowel movements and during pregnancy. Scratching in an attempt to relieve the itching symptoms further weakens the area and compounds the problem.
1st pregnancy- Bleeding Gums, Morning sickness, cravings, Heightened sense of smell, Vision changes, Hip soreness, Water infections.
2nd pregnancy- hyperemesis gravid arum, Heightened sense of smell, bladder infections, vision changes, cravings, bleeding gums, Lower back pain, hip pain.