Okay, I'm 14. My family is very religous. For some reason lately I have been "accidently" going to porn sites. I don't masturbate and i don't want too. I shouldn't be looking at porn. No if ands or buts. I want to not do it. What can i do to stop the urges? Also is getting in bed with no undies on so you get erect a form of masturbation? I seem to do that... is that bad? Should i stop? Please help.
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if u r truly religious, i really suggest u stop. stop looking at porn and stop going 2 bed with no underwear on. learn 2 contol yourself!!!!
If you keep focusing on the rights and wrongs of it, the shoulds and shouldn'ts, you'll be spinning your wheels and struggling with this forever.
It's natural for a 14 year old boy to be curious about sex. In fact, you can't turn your sexual/romantic drive off no matter how hard you try. It will always pop up somewhere. It's what you do with this inner drive you have that makes all the difference.
These urges you have are your inner feelings trying to express themselves. When someone supresses their feelings routinely they can lead to compulsive behaviors, because these feelings never get an outlet, so they end up bursting out in the form of compulsions. The fact that you have these uncontrollable urges indicates that you're not doing an adequate job of taking care of your emotional self. There are some feelings you have that aren't getting addressed.
Next time you feel the need to look at porn think about how you feel. Think about how looking at porn makes you feel. And notice your feelings afterwards. These are the key to your motivations. If you could find a way to feel that way without looking at porn then you wouldn't have these urges anymore. Too often, when dealing with compulsive behaviors they view as bad, people throw the feeling right out with the behavior. What they don't realize is that this feeling is a need they have and isn't going to go away. For some reason, either out of fear, anger or they've been told the need is bad, they don't get this need met. And the compulsions continue.
A lot of religions put restrictions on sex that just aren't very realistic for humans. People go to church saying one thing and go home and do another in private, even though they try really hard to measure up to the standard. I'm not sure if your religion is one of these. Ironically, the feeling that sex is bad or wrong is a big part of sexual addiction and dysfunction. If a person has an axe to grind with authority figures(parents), acting out sexually, with the belief these authority figures are telling you not to, can be a big f-you to them.
Porn, like anything else, is not good or bad. It just is. It can be used in healthy ways and it can be used in destructive ways. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if this seems good for you overall or bad for you overall. Does looking at porn seem to help your happiness and serenity? Is there a better way to get your needs met?
don't look at porn. But you can masturbate, you made it out like as though masturbation is something wrong and should not be done at all.Fact is, it is a natural process and most guys does it.It is also not a sin, it is actually healthy and prevents prostate cancer.Look, masturbation is normal and a way of life. And getting in bed with no undies is not a form of masturbation even if you erect. But you should stop looking at porn, you can masturbate but don't watch porn.
I do not know your religion but in most religions, porn is not appropriate but masturbation and sexual urges are fine. You are a sexual being, learning to take care of your urges in a safe and private manner is typically appropriate. I think you should talk to your religious mentor such as a priest, pastor, youth minester, etc and see what they say about your religion and it's feelings on masturbation and sexual urges.
My opinion- do not look at porn but go ahead and be naked in the privacy of your own bedroom, erections are not a form of masturbation- they can happen spontaneously. Go ahead and do what feels natural but be safe, private and discrete.
Your family is very religious but are you? You are quite normal with normal urges. If you really want to stop going to porn sites, put a block on your computer or have one put on. Going to bed without underwear is not masturbation, good grief, if it was, I'd be condemned forever!!
So u just look at porn and get an erection , man if your going to do something do it all the way ! you say your religious .. then what made you go to this "SITE" in the first place
Just dont go on the site go in your bed and make up your own little fantasy !
In a previous question, you said you saw your dad's porn. So if porn and masturbating (which he surely must do if he watched porn) is good enough for your dad, why not you?
Masturbation is natural.
Screw religion. You are a horny teenager, what do you want to do about it? Stop going out? Never see a girl again? Because thats the only way.
Or you can get nature takes it course. Dude, majority of men do it.
Look at porn if you want, but if you do you might as well masturbate over it while your there.
There's nothing wrong with that. Masturbation is normal. I don't think that's against religion bc it technically your not having sex your self suppressing urges. And that's admirable for sticking it out.
sleeping with no undies is fine... masturbation is self pleasuring if you are not touching yourself or rubbing against anything to achieve orgasm then your fine.. as far as the porn sites go.. you dont have to look at porn.. look at bikini models.. they are not naked :-) good luck