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I'm 18, male, 108lb, and 5'4 with a immature face. Basically I haven't gotten any older (physically) since the 8th grade. All my drivers license pictures look EXACTLY the same. My weight has actually decreased since then (I was 115). Im under the 3rd percentile on a boys growth chart. From what I understand these are classic symptoms of hgh deficiency. Should I see a specialist? I got bloodwork done from my family doctor but he didnt do a hgh test.
I forgot to add, none of the males on BOTH sides of my family are under 5'10
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Have you gone through most of the stages of puberty yet? If no, it may be a testosterone deficiency rather than an growth hormone one. Either way, I'd suggest going back to your doctor for the HGH test and ask him to look at your testosterone levels.
Yes, you should deal with your concerns by seeing an endocrinologist. There may be more than one hormone that is deficient and the sooner you deal with this the less worrying you will have to do. Please do not delay seeing your doctor