I'm so incredibly heartbroken about little Caylee. I can't even sleep, I'm so haunted by what has happened to this sweet beautiful child & all they others that we don't even know about. I can't imagine how her loved ones feel. It hits close to home because this hit nationwide headlines, we've seen her for the past few months all over the place and to find out this is how it ended is devastating. Of course all arrows pointed to this, but it's just so very sad. I have a 2 year old daughter & 7 month old son & I would literally die if anything happened to them, but this girls own mother did this to her. My mind is just racing, how did this play out? Did she suffer? And how in the world can anyone do this to an innocent child? I guess this isn't really a question, but any thoughts are welcome. I don't really have anyone to talk about this with.
Update:That's the thing though, I won't get over it. As a parent, you constantly worry about your child's well being. That and being ultra sensitive, I get hit hard with this kind of stuff. Kids should always be safe, healthy & happy. Caylee has touched my life personally, it sickens me to know there are kids out there with truly evil parents.
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Answers & Comments
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Any one who has a child can feel your pain (mother or father)
I can understand why you are really affected by this story. Your own children are close in age; especially your daughter. But also, on TV we see
videos of Caylee as a baby; these show her as being close in age to your son. THIS HITS HOME FOR YOU! Looking at innocent faces it's hard to comprehend how this could be done to children. It is hard to comprehend how "someone" can do this to a child. It is even harder to comprehend how a
"mother can do this horrible thing to her own child".
Just hug your two babies. Thank God for them. And love them unconditionally. As for Caylee, let's think of her as being in a rainbow
room playing with other innocent children who now are not feeling any
more pain; but are only experiencing love.
What we can do now is pray for Caylee and in her name just love
our children more.
Enjoy this holiday season with your kids, this is their holiday and they
should have mommy be happy with them.
It is a horrible loss when a child is killed and I feel your pain. From what it sounds like the child didn't suffer. They found the smell of chloroform in the mother's truck so if she did do it then the child would have been asleep and not know. I hope so at least. She is happy now though. In Heaven and playing so try and focus on her where she is and that she isn't here anymore. The pictures of her looking so vulnerable and innocent are really difficult to look at. So try and perhaps not look at the news for a day and know that she would appreciate your concern but she is way ahead of us all and happy and calm and being a little girl in Heaven now.
Don't worry, you'll get over this.
And yeah, this world is a sh!t place; hundreds if not thousands of little kids just like Caylee have been dying in Iraq but no one cares...
EDIT: Well then you don't know about the mother who killed all her 5 children.