hello, im 29 weeks pregnant with child #2!! things have been great up until about a week ago when i started having pelvic pains/pressure and also some pain in my stomach which i now know after talking with my doctor that those are real labor contractions....not braxton hicks. (1st child induced so i wasnt sure lol). but he checked me and my cervix is soft...he has put me on bed rest until tomorrow when i have a sonogram. i was too out of it or shocked to think to ask questions. i have no clue if i am dialated or really what this could mean. i know he said obviously we dont want labor right now, and stay off my feet and try to lay down alot during the day (needed a stretch break now lol). but what can i expect tomorrow and what could be wrong if i have a soft cervix. i still have 11 weeks to go. i know i can ask tomorrow but im worried now =( any advice you could give me right now or info (links if possible) would be appreciated!! thanks so much =)
Update:thank you to all who have answered so far!! i really appreciate your help =)
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unfortunately I don't have a lot of advice for you. chances are if you were starting to dialate they would have told you. you probably have an incompetent cervix and if this is the case they will opt for a procedure in which they put a stitch in your cervix to keep you from dialating. this is called a cerclage. the good thing is that you are past the 27 week mark so if you were to have your baby now it would have a great chance for servival. here is more info on incompetent cervix.
the info that I provided says that they usually perform this procedure between 14 and 16 weeks but a friend of mine had hers towards the end of her pregnancy and ended up carrying her son past her duedate.
Cerclage is not usually done this late but may make an exception. But there are meds to delay the contractions. Even if real contraction, you could still be weeks away from active labour. The pregnancy is already viable at 29 weeks, so there is a very good chance that all will be okay. If you are looking at early labor, they might just keep you in the hospital from hereon depending on how the ultrasound goes.
Good luck.
you may need a surclouge (spelling ?) they sew your cervix closed to stop dilation. Your baby is viable at 29 weeks so the survival rate is high. Try not to stress and you may end up on bed rest for the remaining time. Good Luck!
Sometimes they do cerclage to sew the cervix shut. Or use medications to try to stop labor such as terbutaline or magnesium sulfate. So there are options. It's wonderful news that your water hasn't broken. And we do see babies in NICU born at 24 weeks that survive. They have some delays and need some special care, but this is workable. Hugs to you.
more than likely if the baby shows signs of distress they will let it come early because its viable at 28 weeks... but if no distress he'll probably try to keep you on bed rest for as long as he can.
My son came at 33 weeks and they kept me on bed rest until 35 with medication. With the one I'm carrying now he said if it happens at 28 weeks or later, he'll just let it take its course. I tend to have big babies. My son was 6 weeks early and still weighed 6 pounds.
Just take it easy and try not to stress yourself too much. The doctor will take good care of you.
p.s. i had a soft and cancerous celled cervix, if that makes sense. lol but I had no issues carrying my son, still waiting to see what happens with this one. (i'm 21 weeks) Good Luck
No, now not outlawed, simply needless. He's pronouncing that advances in cutting-edge treatment makes it possible for us not to need to decide upon one or the opposite anymore. That makes the dignity inappropriate. Now I do not know the way correct that's. He is also giving Modern Medicine an excessive amount of credit score, however the intent at the back of the announcement is sound.