i was wondering how many weeks after you have sex, if you are pregnant, how many weeks do you hav to wait until a tst will show positive?
Update:i took 1 yesterday and it said negitive but i missed my period this month. i am 14 btw and my parents know and are supportive so please dont preach. ive been nauseous and very bitchy and cravings are over the roof.
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If you took the test after your missed period and it came out negative, you are likely not pregnant. If you are still thinking you are, take another test in a week or see your doctor. It is very common at your age to have symptoms like that and it's even normal to miss a period every once in a while. If your symptoms persist and you miss another period, you will need to see your doctor. It's good that your parents are supportive. Take care :)
Stressing about not knowing if you're pregnant can stop you from having a period. Take a test again in a few days but just ease your mind knowing one came out negative. Im been in your position and its not fun. sounds like you're pmsing. Everything will be ok.
Your parents are supportive of you having sex?
And "ive been nauseous and very bitchy and cravings are over the roof." only means you're a woman.
Anytime you test before missing a period, you risk testing too early and getting a false result.
do you even know how you have a baby at 14?
let alone have sex?
take a test.
I agree with the first person