i think that it is great that a woman is running for president but what do you guys think please answer the following questions and add any comments please.......do you think that a lot of people will support first lady Hilary Clinton? How many people will decide to elect her if she goes on to the real ballot?
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me well my mom im only 11
I think it's great that a woman is running. But I don't care for her as a candidate myself. I don't agree with a lot of her issues. So far she's been using the war and Bush's unpopularity right now to clout her issues and make herself more popular. Which I'm sure a lot of candidates will. I'm sure she'll get a lot of support but she does have a lot of people that flat out don't like her so I don't know if she'll get the nod for the ballot. I'd like McCain or Obama myself on the final ballot.
You have to ask yourself who was calling a lot of the shots in the Clinton White House - especially after Hillary demanded the office usually reserved for the Vice President . When Bill Clinton refused the capture of Osama bin Laden from Sudan - You have to wonder who told him not to do it ? You also have to wonder-in light of Hillary being the first First Lady to ever be indicted in the U.S. - who was it who sent Sandy Berger to smuggle classified documents out of the archives , which could quite possibly explain what Clinton knew in advance about 9/11 .
A women president will be good when one comes along who does not have a string of investigations or indictments in her past - and proves that she is for America more than for herself .
No way is Hillary fit for the job .
i think if ppl will consider the candidates based on the issues & not whether it's a woman or an african american, not on dem or rep, but on the candidate that best represents your personal views on the relevant issues - then & only then will the best person for the job of president be truly elected by the majority of the people.
Her negatives are very high with non-democratic voters so her best chance is weak GOP candidates and the mess in Iraq is not going to help her because she voted for it unlike Obama. She has just as good a shot as any candidate out there. Bill just needs to keep his pants on.
I'm sure Bill Clinton will do everything he possibly can to get Hilary elected.
Back in Arkansas, all by himself with nothing to do, always knowing where his wife is... its a dream come true.
not i.
and i hope not many, but there are so many rabid Bush haters who will vote for her simply because they want to anger republicans; not really knowing or understanding her full political agenda by basing their decisions on the sterile, approved information that is put out her and those who want to see her elected.
...and the thumbs down i will no doubt get, don't bother me.
I have no problems with a woman being Pres, but there are women out there better suited for the office than Hillary.
there are 48 million Americans out there without health insurance, those votes are enough to get her the job.
The clintoons are satanic. Pure evil. If you weren't so naive you'd realize this.
i think she would make a good president, i'm not so sure she would get elected though.