I still have a hard time understanding why Lee Harvey Oswald would use a 6.5 Carcano cartridge over the other rifle cartridges for the assasination of President John F. Kennedy. What makes 6.5 Carcano any better or deadlier or more effective than other rifle cartridges in existence? Why he didn't use a .50 BMG? Or a .308 Winchester? Or 30-06 Springfield? Or 8mm Mauser?
What Lee Harvey Oswald did was bad, but I just wonder why he would he prefer to use the 6.5 Carcano over the other rifle cartridges.
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The rifle was cheap and easy to acquire. It's not the gun that makes the shooter. It's the shooter who makes the gun work. Oswald made the gun work effectively, according to all the official reports.
Or....was the gun the choice of conspirators and more than one shooter. The gun was foreign made, giving the appearance that it was Oswald who was the shooter, who had spent time in Russia.
I do not believe the American people will ever know the truth. President Johnson and the powers that be wanted to get the assassination behind them and bury the facts. Heck. President Kennedy did not even have a proper autopsy. Evidence was destroyed. How are we to know what gun or guns realy killed him.
Wow memories.
The weapon in question was readily available to anyone back then. Ease, availability were two questions that come to mind. Personally after all I have read,(Missiles of October, Bay of Pigs, Thirteen days, They killed the president, Appointment in Dallas, The Warren report,) I still think Oswald was a patsy,
So other questions about this matter, from J.Edgar Hoover and VP Lyndon Johnson calling the hit on Kennedy, 4 shots were fired, The Treason Flyer's posted WANTED President John F Kennedy, one day before the visit to Dallas, L.B.Js home town? The ambitiousness of LBJ and his loathing hate of the Kennedy's.
I was in 10th grade at the time and was watching the Dallas event live, worse then the 911 incident.
Why was Jack Ruby, a known night club owner, dying of cancer, allowed into a police station with a gun, to get that close to Oswald and pull the trigger? Too much FBI involvement missing letters, secret documents missing WHY? Cover Up
Lee Harvey Oswald was a complete idiot. What he did, for whatever perceived reason he had, was inexcusable.
The reason he had the carcano was because at the time, they could be ordered directly thru the mail, and where extremely cheap. He even used an alias to order it. This is the main reason firearms cannot be bought thru the mail or shipped to any but ffl holders.
I mean come on, the .38 revolver he used to kill Officer Tippits (SP?) afterwords was loaded with 2 or 3 different manufacturers cartridges.
This was a sick deluded man who defected to Russia, never should have been allowed back into the country,openly supported communism, and sent up more red flags than any other person i have read of in the U.S.
Change thru vote is our right, the cowardly assassination of the president was Unforgivable, and all men should be outraged at the act.
Shoot safe
According to the book "Mortal Error", there was an accidental shot fired from a rifle carried by the Secret Service. So, there were two shooters, one of which is assumed to be unintentional.
The 6.5 Carcano rifle was, in my guess-timation, something that had a cartridge of sufficient power and could perform the intended role for minimal cost. It was a tool that a shooter wouldn't become fond of or attached to. It was expendable.
There are many things surrounding President Kennedy's death that are in need of clarification.
At the time there were a ton of very inexpensive 6.5mm Carcano rifles being imported into the USA and sold as surplus.
Basically the Carcano back then was like what the Mosin Nagant or SKS is now, an inexpensive surplus rifle imported.
So Oswald used what he could find and afford, or more likely it was a rifle he had bought 5 or so years back for deer hunting, so when he decided to shoot the president he just grabbed his deer rifle.
You don't need anything special to shoot at a target only 60 yards away...even if it is moving.
It's possible he chose it for the same reason why I wouldn't be surprised if someone attempted an assasination with a Mosin Nagant.
The MN rifles have been flooding the market lately and even though they are dirt cheap ($100) in the right hands with a properly mounted scope they can be accurate out to exceptionally long ranges.
I've checked out wikipedia since purchasing mine a few days ago, this rifle and the 7.62X54 cartridge have been used extensivley in 1,000 yard competitions all over Europe.
They are basically a throw away firearm that will do the job.
Now the real question is:
Will we get put on the secret service red list for answering this question? LOL
I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one who read "Mortal Error". Lee Harvey Oswald used a Carcano because they were plentiful, cheap, and really easy to buy. I wouldn't overthink his using the Carcano. The head shot, well, that's another story. Mortal Error makes a pretty compelling case.
Who knows, but i think that a 50BMG would be too bulky to carry around an conceal. As for LHO not knowing his guns? Well, to pull off a shot like that into a moving car and also hit Governor John Connally with the second he must have known what he was doing or had nerves of steel and beginers luck. Maybe he was working for the Italian government or the mob? that's why he used the 6.5 Carcano.
Because Lee Harvey Oswald was by my beliefs not the only shooter or he didn't do it. He was an easy frame up so the evidence is sketchy. Why did he (IF he did) use a 6.5? Well who knows, why does anyone use a 308 over a 30-06 or other caliber. Honestly if he did do it, maybe it's the only rifle he had, or what he liked, what he got for cheap, odd caliber to throw cops off (like someone said), etc. Although I still stand by I don't think he was the only shooter if he did it at all. Just the evidence never does add up completely.
*thinks of the grassy knoll.....*
Well civilians couldn't get a 50BMG in that time. .308 we hard to come by(if you know what i mean) 30-06 didn't really have good bullets then like you did for the 6.5caliber like the carcano. Yes there are a dozin of calibers then to pick from. Really if he did do it, which very doublty, because if there were three or more they might of all had a carcano, and got them cheep in a lot of rifles. Who knows thats why the JFK assasination is still to me a huge myster