Id say Rick Santorum former Sen of Pa, possibly Barbara Bachmann Rep.-Mn, and Kay Bailey Hutchinson Sen-Tx., along w/the names you commonly read in the media. Personally, I'd like to see Darryl Issa Rep-Ca run, but he's an American of Lebannese descent, so I know it will never happen.
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Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich for sure. Others might include Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty.
Id say Rick Santorum former Sen of Pa, possibly Barbara Bachmann Rep.-Mn, and Kay Bailey Hutchinson Sen-Tx., along w/the names you commonly read in the media. Personally, I'd like to see Darryl Issa Rep-Ca run, but he's an American of Lebannese descent, so I know it will never happen.
We've got about a year before anyone actually announces they are. Before then, it's 100% speculation.
Not yet. We won't know for awhile still.
you will find that info here ..
idk, but i know Pres. Obama will be reelected.