Barack Obama or John McCain?
Tell me how you feel about them and who you want for president. I can't decide. Is the crashing economy having an impact on you?
Update:Tceky, I don't care that Obama is black at all. I'm not racist. I've had friends and teachers who were black and they are wonderful people. In fact my great-great grandfather had black relatives. If McCain were president he'd probably die during his term in office because he is 73. Obama would probably get killed my some racist jerk like Martin Luther King Jr was killed in 1968. I love the work that that man has done for our country. I
Update 3:Tceky, I don't care that Obama is black at all. I'm not racist. I've had friends and teachers who were black and they are wonderful people. In fact my great-great grandfather had black relatives. If McCain were president he'd probably die during his term in office because he is 73. Obama would probably get killed my some racist jerk like Martin Luther King Jr was killed in 1968. I love the work that that man has done for our country. I
Update 5:Tceky, I don't care that Obama is black at all. I'm not racist. I've had friends and teachers who were black and they are wonderful people. In fact my great-great grandfather had black relatives. If McCain were president he'd probably die during his term in office because he is 73. Obama would probably get killed my some racist jerk like Martin Luther King Jr was killed in 1968. I love the work that that man has done for our country. I love Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman as well. So, don't go saying I'm a racist when I'm not.
Update 7:CZ2759, Why does it matter what god a person believes in.?
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
Neither! Ron Paul is the answer. He is the ONLY candidate who supports abolishing the corrupt federal reserve system. The American people now owe the fed (which is a private bank) more money than the total amount of U.S, dollars in circulation.
"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
Obama has the only realistic plan for Iraq and to win the war. It is in Afghanistan. War on Terror directly implies a never ending war. It has no structure or game plan. If a country fights a war at all it has to focus its power on a tangible enemy and have a plan. The enemy in this one is and always has been in the mountains of Afghanistan/Pakistan. Bush wrecked our economy with tax breaks for the wealthy and the money spent in Iraq. There are honest contractors, but they are so badly checked out that half have taken war profiting to a new extreme. High energy is the root cause of much of the down turn. It drives up the cost of everything else and pulls down companies ability to hire. De-regulation is the cause of Wall Street's mess along with unrestrained greed. But Republicans saying Clinton caused that are wrong. Lindsey Graham pushed that in the Republican congress of Clintons second administration. John McCain voted for it. Obama is simply the best choice and racism should be out in this day and age. Sadly from a lot of Republican responses it is not....
Since the Democrats are responsible for the Economical crash, See the "house and senate web sites on voting records, and almost all of the democrats think the slaughter of 50,000,000 that's Fifty Million babies is a great "choice". Also they refuse to allow off shore drilling, even in the Gulf of Mexico where 7 other countries are already drilling. Given all that and then some the only change Barack H. Obama will be a Socialist state and the end of America as we know it. John McCain the least of two evils. But America will survive him.
I feel very unsafe with Obama, and he just rubs me the wrong way. I would've felt safer with Clinton as the Democratic nominee- which is saying A LOT. McCain is the only one who can fix this economy, win this war, and help this country. His experience can help us tremendously.
Then you have Obama; 2 1/2 years in the senate, and previously a community organizer.AND voted present almost 90% of the time, yeah, how is that for 'change'. I don't care what anyone says, experience counts. Maybe it would count as much if we weren't in a war, in a recession, etc. Maybe then this whole experience thing wouldn't matter. But this election it does.
Vote smart, vote McCain/Palin '08 for the REAL change!
Edit: Christian, you're wrong. Stop throwing lies out there. McCain voted with Bush on certain issues, not every dam one. He voted against all of the crap Bush wanted done. He voted for the good that Bush wanted, but that never got passed. You have a Democratic congress, so if anyone's to blame for this mess- it's the Democratic congress. We've had them for 2 years, and in those 2 year- the economy has gone down the toilet. What makes you think it will be any better with a Democrat in the Oval office? It won't, it will only make things 100 times worse.
McCain/Palin '08!
The crashing economy only proves my point about Democrats.Though both sides have their own greedy evils,Fannie and Fredie have once again confirmed what the Democrats do with power and Money.Since the economy crisis can be led back to both Frannie and Freddie,and The same perptrators that caused it are now in the process of fixing(covering it up) it.It goes to show me that,liberalism is the most corrupt of all the parties,leaving more destruction in its wake then what you call us greedy Republicans could ever do.
I say Obama, i think he would be good. He wants to help the environment and he would be a good leader. And think about it, you vote McCain, who is 73, hes more likely to have like a heart attack (god forbid) or something like that, but you are that much closer to having Sarah Palin as our president. Someone who only has governed a state with a population only as big As Trenton, New jersey. Obama doesn't have a lot of experience though either but he Still has some on a bigger level and not that much experience but some could be good, he could bring change!
Obama wants to talk to Ahmedenajad like we're equals.
Wants to lose the Iraq war.
Will destroy the economy.
Supports abortion and will sign a bill in his 1st 16 weeks of office that will force every state to provide abortion on demand, and supports killing babies that have survived an abortion attempt.
Went to Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright's church for 20 years.
Has ties with terrorists.
Little or no experience.
Most left-wing in the Senate.
He's patriotic at all and doesn't believe in God (least i've come to that conclusion)
Senator in VERY corrupt state of IL and has done nothing to change that, but goes to Africa and preaches how they should get rid of corruptness in their govt.
Thats why I'm not just not voting for him, I despise the man (if he's not the devil himself) for who he is.
That's my complete, uncensored opinion of Obama.
I feel at this point that the safest direction to go is McCain. I don't really want either one but McCain doesn't have a bunch of idiots behind him like Nobama he has too many unknowns and questionables in his back pocket and McCain isn't mean enough to dig into his pocket. The economy is effecting all of us that work for a living and struggle day to day.
Obama, because McCain has a 13% chance of living through his first year in office, and Palin is just as smart as Bush, and we've all see how he handles things.
Bush ruiined the economy, created trillions of dollars in debt, and during his reign the number of terrorists actually increased.
MCCain supported Bush 100%
A vote for MCCain is a vote for more of the same.
IF you want a better economy, a better living and a better future you won't vote for John MCsame....
Obama 08