I have no idea question about PS3 super slim YLOD = PS3 super slim yellow light of death
. U think yes or no or so-so if both y or n, please tell me comment any know?.
My old ps3 fat damage. I think PS3 slim ylod 35% then next ps3 super slim???.
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See the super slim way to slim and small to and that's why it must be having smaller motherboard and stuff and except the curves,most of the design is similar to ps2 slim so the chances of getting YLOD is impossible but i still you're not satisfied than you can by some external cooling fans or something like that but I spend approximate 8 hours on my ps3 slim and there is no sign of yellow light of death.
The ylod problem was only happening on the fat models due to over heating and random disc drive failures. This problem has been fixed on the slim and probably doesnt even exist on the super slim.
Slims didn't really have that problem because they didn't get very hot and super slims haven't been out long enough for it to be a problem yet anyway.