Ok, my son is now approaching 7 months old and after he was born I got an IUD. I also got one after my daughter who is two and got it taken out about eight months after she was born then got pregnant with my son a few months later. I had normal periods for about two or three months then didnt have anymore after that. Well now I have not had a period for a couple of months, and have had some nausea on and off, plus another thing that really threw me over the top was i visited some family today and my dad said "Are you pregnant" and I said not that i no of, why? and then he said "You just have that glow". I am not asking anyone if I am pregnant and I know to see a doctor or test and I will (I plan to test tomorrow). My question is has any gotten pregnant with the IUD, how did it work out, or had any experiences like this or what is your thoughts or opinions, thank you for any feedback you might have.
Update:what do you mean too long?
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I have not personally gotten pregnant while on the IUD but my cousin was conceived while my aunt had an IUD that seemed to be in place and fine...He was born and is perfectly healthy...But I am pretty sure she had to go to the doctors and get the IUD removed immediatly or it was a risk for miscarage or premature labour...Go to the doctors and get tested and if you are congrats and your baby will be fine!!
I had the mirena for three years, it caused me to bloat like in early pregnancy, and feel nauseated and have headaches. i had a couple of periods on it and then none for almost three years. it is possible to get preg while using it but id say that it is unlikely. whenever i come off birth control, i get preg in the first month, so no pregnancies in three years with only mirena for protection id say is pretty fool proof :) If you are preg, youll want to go get a blood test now, i read it can cause some pretty nasty birth defects. also, i am almost 100% sure that the mirena is to blame for giving me facial hair growth. i will never get another after my experiance.
I've had the Mirena for a year now, and had periods for the first four months, and have not had one since February. I do get bouts of bloating, cramping, breast tenderness..etc... I talked to my doctor about it, and he said that you may not experience the actual bleeding of menstruation, but that your body naturally may go through the motions... meaning PMS, bloating, cramps etc... I get them still, but not NEARLY as bad and they only last a few days at a time. I take one aleve to calm the cramps, and pay big time attention to the water I drink and the salt intake. That usually keeps it at bay.
I hope this helps somewhat!!
too long-