"Saber que vamos a morir lo cambia todo. Sientes las cosas de un modo diferente y las hueles muy distintas. Sin embargo la gente no aprecia el valor de sus vidas. Siguen bebiendo un vaso de agua, pero no la saborean".
La mayorÃa de la gente no agradece seguir con vida, pero tu no, ya no. Fin del juego.
No quiere que cortemos las cadenas quiere que nos cortemos los pies.
Asà que hoy será tu último dÃa, Adam, si no haces algo para impedirlo.
Quiero jugar a un juego
Vive o muere. Tú decides. (frase por excelencia de la pelicula!!!)
Doctor Gordon, es hora de levantarse.
Cada dÃa en su trabajo, usted ha dado a la gente la noticia de que va a morir pronto. Ahora será usted la causa de la muerte. Su objetivo en este juego es matar a Adam. Tiene hasta las seis en punto para hacerlo. Hay un hombre en la habitación con usted. Cuando se tiene tanto veneno en la sangre, lo único que le queda a uno por hacer es suicidarse. Hay un modo de salir de aquÃ, si encuentran la salida.
¿Cuánta sangre estarÃas dispuesto a derramar para salvar tu vida?
Saw II:
Recordad, los números están en vuestras cabezas. ¡Pensad!
Saw II:
¡Habrá Sangre!
Saw II:
Los que no aprecian la vida no merecen vivir.
Saw II:
Tu hijo no tardará mucho en mear sangre.
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw II:
Los que no aprecian la vida, no merecen vivir
Saw II:
En el Infierno... solo el Diablo te ayudará a salir.
Saw II:
- ¿No me dijiste que tenÃas otros casos?
- Esto lo hago por diversión.
Saw II:
Bueno, ahora sabemos que al estilo macho la puerta no se abre.
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw II:
¿Cual es la cura del cancer Eric? la cura para la propia muerte, la respuesta es la inmortalidad, al crear un legado, al vivir una vida digna de ser recordada alcanzas la inmortalidad. Pero ahora las cosas han cambiado, yo continuare la obra de Jhon despues de su muerte y tu eres mi primer objeto de estudio, ahora tu eres quien esta encerrado, indefenso, sin esperanza.
Se acabo el juego
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw III:
Detesto a los asesinos: no ponÃas a prueba sus ganas de vivir, sino que acababas con su última oportunidad.
Saw III:
Depende de ti Jeff vivir o morir.
Saw III:
Aunque no veas amenazas hay amenazas por todas partes.
- Quiero jugar a un juego: tu vida es una mentira, ahora viene tu hora de la verdad, como drogadicto y delincuente juegas a la ruleta con la vida de los demás, hoy jugarás con tu propia vida.
- ¿Eres tú? ¿Tú me has hecho esto?
- ¿Yo? Te lo has hecho tu solo, tu avaricia acabo con la vida de un inocente.
- Por favor, dame tiempo para explicártelo, por favor.
- No puedo dártelo, nadie puede, el tiempo es una ilusión.
John: Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.
Oh, yes, there will be blood.
I want to play a game.
We Dare You Again...
Oh Yes, There Will Be Blood
Jigsaw is back to dish out
Your eye or your life?
saw III
What do I want? I want to play a game.
The consequences for breaking these rules are great. Death.
You are being tested. Your will is being tested. Your will to keep someone alive.
Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course, you're already dead on the inside.
The rules of our game have been very clear. You need to abide by those rules.
[To Amanda in a flashback] Amanda. Do not be afraid. Your life has just begun.
[To Amanda whilst setting up the Bathroom trap] Put his left leg in the shackle.
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet. [1]
You're walking us toward a precipice, Amanda. Step back.
You just destroyed four lives. You just murdered Jeff's wife.
Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.
[To Amanda, after she was shot in the neck.] It's okay. This was your test. Your game. I was testing you. I took you in. I selected you for the honor of carrying on my life's work. But you didn't. You didn't test anyone's will to live. Instead, you took away their only chance. Your games were unwinnable, your subjects merely victims. In my desparation, I decided to give you one last chance. So, I put everything in place. You didn't know that Lynn and Jeff were husband and wife. I had to keep that from you for the purposes of my game. I had to leave out the ruined marriage, the cheating wife, the vengeful husband, the neglected daughter and I let you make your own choices. I wanted you to succeed. You couldn't. Oh, God. Game over.
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet...
Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken...
Like Father, Like Daughter.
To the victor goes the spoils.
Every game has its loopholes...
This Halloween He's Pulling Out All The Stops
Pain: it's part of the puzzle. Blood: it's the price of freedom. Death: it's not that easy.
Legends never die.
If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
Hello, America. Do you want to play a game?
Opening wide this Halloween.
This Halloween... I will judge you... your blood shall flow... throughout the land... for I have spoken. (Ezekiel 21-33-37)
Saw IV
Cherish your life is the concept this entire clinic was built on. Cherish your life. Your life.
[To Cecil] You're my problem. And you're becoming everyone else's, too.
[To Art Blank] Get the **** out of here.
What's happened to me? What's happened to me?! [Smashes a small clock]
I can't give you time. Time's an illusion.
[To Cecil] You see, things aren't sequential. Good doesn't lead to good, nor bad to bad. People who steal, don't get caught, they live the good life. Others lie, and cheat and get elected. Some people stop to help a stranded motorist and get taken out by a speeding semi. There's no accounting for it. How you play the cards you're dealt--that's all that matters. Look at me. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
It's the tool, the tool that's going to save your life. I want to play a game. Your life is a lie, Cecil. Now comes your moment of truth. As a drug addict and a theif, you've preyed on the kindness of others to fuel your addiction. Today, we're bringing the ugliness inside you out into the open. Now, in order for you to stay alive, we have to match your face with the ugliness of your soul. Just lean forward, into the knives, with your face. Press hard enough, and you'll release the arm and leg restraints that bind you. Press hard, though, and you'll be free. Or, you can sit lightly and bleed out on the floor. Live or die, Cecil. Make your choice.
[To Amanda] Your time's running out. Now you think about what you are doing. You think about what you promised me. You think about tomorrow.
[To Jeff] Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.
Are you there, Detective? If so, you are probably the last man standing. Now, perhaps you will succeed where the others have failed. You think you will walk away untested. I promise that my work will continue. You think it's over just because I'm dead. It's not over. The games have just begun
It's a trap.
This Halloween, fear will be embedded in a whole new way.
You think it is over just because I am dead. It's not over. The games have just begun.
Halloween blood drive
If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But I find it somewhat... distasteful. To be given credit for work that's not mine. Especially inferior work.
Like you, I know what it's like to lose family. And I know what it's like not to be aable to protect loved ones. It's a powerless feeling.
[To Hoffman as he tries to escape his trap] I wouldn't do that. [About the shotgun aimed at Hoffman's head] Hair trigger.
Vengeance can change a person. Make you into something you never thought you were capable of being.
You can dispense justice and give people a chance to value their lives in the same moment.
Everbody deserves a chance!
Killing is distasteful to me! There is a better, more efficient way.
I am the man you call Jigsaw.
Tonight, you'll see the difference between killing and rehabilitation.
I assume nothing. I anticipate the possibilities and I let the game play out.
If you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance.
It's time to play a game.
You Won't Believe How It Ends.
In The End All The Pieces Will Fit Together
His Message Is Righteous. His Love Is Everlasting. His Gift Is Life.
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
En inglés:
- Hello ((inserta nombre aquí)), I want to play a game.
- Game Over!.
saw 2: "Saber que la muerte de tu hijo es inminente te ha hecho perdonar todos sus pecados. ¿Por qué sólo lo hacemos cuando hay una vida en juego?".
"Saber que vamos a morir lo cambia todo. Sientes las cosas de un modo diferente y las hueles muy distintas. Sin embargo la gente no aprecia el valor de sus vidas. Siguen bebiendo un vaso de agua, pero no la saborean".
La mayorÃa de la gente no agradece seguir con vida, pero tu no, ya no. Fin del juego.
No quiere que cortemos las cadenas quiere que nos cortemos los pies.
Hora de despertar, Adam.
Supongo que te preguntarás dónde estás. Te diré dónde puede ser. Quizá estés en la habitación donde vas a morir. Hasta ahora simplemente te sentabas en la sombra, observando cómo los demás hacÃan su vida. ¿Qué ven los voyeurs cuando se miran al espejo? Ahora te veo como una mezcla extraña de alguien, enfadado y apático a la vez, pero sobre todo patético.
Asà que hoy será tu último dÃa, Adam, si no haces algo para impedirlo.
Quiero jugar a un juego
Vive o muere. Tú decides. (frase por excelencia de la pelicula!!!)
Doctor Gordon, es hora de levantarse.
Cada dÃa en su trabajo, usted ha dado a la gente la noticia de que va a morir pronto. Ahora será usted la causa de la muerte. Su objetivo en este juego es matar a Adam. Tiene hasta las seis en punto para hacerlo. Hay un hombre en la habitación con usted. Cuando se tiene tanto veneno en la sangre, lo único que le queda a uno por hacer es suicidarse. Hay un modo de salir de aquÃ, si encuentran la salida.
Recuerden, la cruz marca la situación del tesoro. Si no mata a Adam antes de las seis, Alison y Diana morirán, doctor Gordon. Y dejaré que se pudra en esta habitación.
Que empiece el juego.
Hola, Amanda. Tú no me conoces, pero yo a ti sÃ. Jugaremos a un juego. Esto es lo que pasará si pierdes; el aparato que llevas está sujeto a tus mandÃbulas superior e inferior. Cuando el temporizador que tienes detrás llegue a cero, tu boca quedará desencajada para siempre. Imagina que es una trampa para osos pero al revés. Sólo hay una llave para abrir el aparato, está en el estómago del cadáver de tu compañero de celda. Echa un vistazo alrededor, sabrás que no estoy mintiendo. Pero date prisa.
Vive o muere. Tú decides.
Saw II:
¿Cuánta sangre estarÃas dispuesto a derramar para salvar tu vida?
Saw II:
Recordad, los números están en vuestras cabezas. ¡Pensad!
Saw II:
¡Habrá Sangre!
Saw II:
Los que no aprecian la vida no merecen vivir.
Saw II:
Tu hijo no tardará mucho en mear sangre.
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw II:
Los que no aprecian la vida, no merecen vivir
Saw II:
En el Infierno... solo el Diablo te ayudará a salir.
Saw II:
- ¿No me dijiste que tenÃas otros casos?
- Esto lo hago por diversión.
Saw II:
Bueno, ahora sabemos que al estilo macho la puerta no se abre.
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw II:
¿Cual es la cura del cancer Eric? la cura para la propia muerte, la respuesta es la inmortalidad, al crear un legado, al vivir una vida digna de ser recordada alcanzas la inmortalidad. Pero ahora las cosas han cambiado, yo continuare la obra de Jhon despues de su muerte y tu eres mi primer objeto de estudio, ahora tu eres quien esta encerrado, indefenso, sin esperanza.
Se acabo el juego
Saw II:
Debes ver la muerte para renacer.
Saw III:
Detesto a los asesinos: no ponÃas a prueba sus ganas de vivir, sino que acababas con su última oportunidad.
Saw III:
Depende de ti Jeff vivir o morir.
Saw III:
Aunque no veas amenazas hay amenazas por todas partes.
Saw IV:
- Yo no harÃa eso.
- Cual es tu problema.
- Tu eres mi problema y también el de todos que están aquÃ.
Saw IV:
- ¿Este es el reloj, que tiene de especial?
- A parte de que todo el trato dependÃa de él, el mecanismo de dentro tiene 300 años y aun funciona, soportando el paso del tiempo.
Saw IV:
Intente enseñarle que debÃa valorar la vida.
Saw IV:
- Quiero jugar a un juego: tu vida es una mentira, ahora viene tu hora de la verdad, como drogadicto y delincuente juegas a la ruleta con la vida de los demás, hoy jugarás con tu propia vida.
- ¿Eres tú? ¿Tú me has hecho esto?
- ¿Yo? Te lo has hecho tu solo, tu avaricia acabo con la vida de un inocente.
- Por favor, dame tiempo para explicártelo, por favor.
- No puedo dártelo, nadie puede, el tiempo es una ilusión.
- Espera, espera, lo siento, lo siento
- Te perdonare te enséñese la lección que ha arruinado tu vida. Te daré una herramienta para recuperar tu vida, y abandonar los vicios que tanto han corrompido tu alma.
Saw IV:
Algunas cosas no son secuenciales, el bien no lleva al bien, ni el mal al mal, hay quien roba con total impunidad, viven como reyes, ot
Every piece has a puzzle.
How much blood would you shed to stay alive?
Every puzzle has its pieces.
Live or die. Make your choice.
Dare you see Saw?
Oh, yes... there will be blood.
John: Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.
Oh, yes, there will be blood.
I want to play a game.
We Dare You Again...
Oh Yes, There Will Be Blood
Jigsaw is back to dish out
Your eye or your life?
saw III
What do I want? I want to play a game.
The consequences for breaking these rules are great. Death.
You are being tested. Your will is being tested. Your will to keep someone alive.
Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course, you're already dead on the inside.
The rules of our game have been very clear. You need to abide by those rules.
[To Amanda in a flashback] Amanda. Do not be afraid. Your life has just begun.
[To Amanda whilst setting up the Bathroom trap] Put his left leg in the shackle.
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet. [1]
You're walking us toward a precipice, Amanda. Step back.
You just destroyed four lives. You just murdered Jeff's wife.
Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.
[To Amanda, after she was shot in the neck.] It's okay. This was your test. Your game. I was testing you. I took you in. I selected you for the honor of carrying on my life's work. But you didn't. You didn't test anyone's will to live. Instead, you took away their only chance. Your games were unwinnable, your subjects merely victims. In my desparation, I decided to give you one last chance. So, I put everything in place. You didn't know that Lynn and Jeff were husband and wife. I had to keep that from you for the purposes of my game. I had to leave out the ruined marriage, the cheating wife, the vengeful husband, the neglected daughter and I let you make your own choices. I wanted you to succeed. You couldn't. Oh, God. Game over.
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet...
Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken...
Like Father, Like Daughter.
To the victor goes the spoils.
Every game has its loopholes...
This Halloween He's Pulling Out All The Stops
Pain: it's part of the puzzle. Blood: it's the price of freedom. Death: it's not that easy.
Legends never die.
If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
Hello, America. Do you want to play a game?
Opening wide this Halloween.
This Halloween... I will judge you... your blood shall flow... throughout the land... for I have spoken. (Ezekiel 21-33-37)
Saw IV
Cherish your life is the concept this entire clinic was built on. Cherish your life. Your life.
[To Cecil] You're my problem. And you're becoming everyone else's, too.
[To Art Blank] Get the **** out of here.
What's happened to me? What's happened to me?! [Smashes a small clock]
I can't give you time. Time's an illusion.
[To Cecil] You see, things aren't sequential. Good doesn't lead to good, nor bad to bad. People who steal, don't get caught, they live the good life. Others lie, and cheat and get elected. Some people stop to help a stranded motorist and get taken out by a speeding semi. There's no accounting for it. How you play the cards you're dealt--that's all that matters. Look at me. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
It's the tool, the tool that's going to save your life. I want to play a game. Your life is a lie, Cecil. Now comes your moment of truth. As a drug addict and a theif, you've preyed on the kindness of others to fuel your addiction. Today, we're bringing the ugliness inside you out into the open. Now, in order for you to stay alive, we have to match your face with the ugliness of your soul. Just lean forward, into the knives, with your face. Press hard enough, and you'll release the arm and leg restraints that bind you. Press hard, though, and you'll be free. Or, you can sit lightly and bleed out on the floor. Live or die, Cecil. Make your choice.
[To Amanda] Your time's running out. Now you think about what you are doing. You think about what you promised me. You think about tomorrow.
[To Jeff] Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.
Are you there, Detective? If so, you are probably the last man standing. Now, perhaps you will succeed where the others have failed. You think you will walk away untested. I promise that my work will continue. You think it's over just because I'm dead. It's not over. The games have just begun
It's a trap.
This Halloween, fear will be embedded in a whole new way.
You think it is over just because I am dead. It's not over. The games have just begun.
Halloween blood drive
If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But I find it somewhat... distasteful. To be given credit for work that's not mine. Especially inferior work.
Like you, I know what it's like to lose family. And I know what it's like not to be aable to protect loved ones. It's a powerless feeling.
[To Hoffman as he tries to escape his trap] I wouldn't do that. [About the shotgun aimed at Hoffman's head] Hair trigger.
Vengeance can change a person. Make you into something you never thought you were capable of being.
You can dispense justice and give people a chance to value their lives in the same moment.
Everbody deserves a chance!
Killing is distasteful to me! There is a better, more efficient way.
I am the man you call Jigsaw.
Tonight, you'll see the difference between killing and rehabilitation.
I assume nothing. I anticipate the possibilities and I let the game play out.
If you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance.
It's time to play a game.
You Won't Believe How It Ends.
In The End All The Pieces Will Fit Together
His Message Is Righteous. His Love Is Everlasting. His Gift Is Life.
This Halloween Belongs To Saw V.
Do You Want To Play A Game?
If It's Halloween, It Must Be Saw.