"If one day a phenomenon called the Big Bang happened (the origin of the cosmos), it is because certain forces have come together in a certain mathematical proportion capable of producing this effect.
If this happened at any given time, it is because this mathematical proportion was already valid to produce this effect long before it occurred.
All phenomena of nature express valid mathematical proportions before phenomena manifest themselves.
All the mathematical proportions that govern the cosmos exist eternally long before the cosmos exists, including the mathematical proportions that allow an animal brain to think and be conscious.
If you take all these proportions and relationships, you will get the Divine Logos. The Divine Logos preexists the Universe. Score. This it is a scientific >Update:
(a) Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
(b) the universe began to exist;
(c) therefore, the universe has a cause.
Additional Assumption:
(d) therefore, the cause of the universe is God.
the game started!
PS: Again, forgive me for grammatical errors!
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You're only going to get insulted and first grade philosophy here.
Wait a minute! Forces? What forces preceded the universe? Natural forces are part of the universe. They didn't precede it.
Okay, I'll bite. Where'd the "certain forces" come from? The question has always been is "In the beginning God created......." true or not. I don't care HOW He did it; that's up to science to determine. And, they're doing a fine job.
You have just proved you are an idiot, congratulations.
Did you have a question ?
"Does it mean, if you don’t understand something, and the community of physicists don’t understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here’s a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn't understand [and now we do understand.] If that’s how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on - so just be ready for that to happen, if that’s how you want to come at the problem." Neil deGrasse Tyson
-If the Universe needs a creator, why doesn't god?
If god doesn't need a creator, why does the Universe ?-
Checkmate, sparky.
I am not saying God does not exist that is not what I want to discuss. I am going to discuss about Lucifers trap. You firstly need to know from what thing saints we're trying to save spirits.
Look around, you say snow is beautiful, but ignore how many species freeze in it and die. You ignore, He destroy all vegetarian food and then forces you to eat animals. His angles taught the mankind this is your food. Man fry many alive living species.
Lucifer made his trap in the way that Gods made things punishes you, and you lose your belief, faith and blame God for everything.
Even his theee sons (three archangels) cant see him, and man think only belief, faith and verbal singing can save him.
Some people think I am kidding here ?
Congratulations - that is one of the most nonsensical attempt ever.
Okay, here's the difference between me and you! When I don't know something I admit "I don't know". You appear to be making up things to fill those things in your knowledge!
I'm not even prepared to say I know the big bang happened, it's probably the best explanation we have, but the honest answer is that beyond all reasonable doubt I DON'T KNOW!
But mathematics is purely conceptual.
I can create mathematics where the universe expands too quickly to form stars, or where it expands so slowly that it is one massive black hole. I can create mathematics where gravitational force drops of by the fourth power of the distance, or it is the sum of the masses rather than their product.
But these models are of no use in our universe.
Mathematics is an intellectual concept used to create a model of something. it is a "reverse engineering" of reality so that we can predict what will happen in a given situation.
They do not require someone or something to define them before the universe came into existence. We are just picking the models that are of use to us within out local time/space of that universe.
That premise still requires an origin, a cause. Science loves "cause and effect" and hates an effect without a cause. It always comes back to this.