This is a serious question not meant in a racial way at all but Anyway I was wondering do you ever not find a person attractive because they're like black or white or whatever, me personally If I find a girl Atrractive I find her attractive but I know some people who are like I don't find Mexicans or whatever race attractive. Do you believe some races are less or attractive or you any race appeals to you as long as them indvidually are attractive?
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There are looks that I prefer that are more commonly found on certain races, but, I have dated all races, and don't care what race as person is.
So, while I am fond of redheads, who are almost always white, I would not exclude someone because they were not white, or a redhead. Cute is cute, whatever the colour.
And, it is what is inside a person that is more important anyway. So, even cuteness isn't all that important.
Its very natural to hold a higher attraction to those of your own race. For some reason with me this has never been the case. I like anything exotic and on a completely superficial level too. I like asian girls because their more submissive and some mixed race women too I find very attractive. White women are gorgeous too but a bit too bitchy and aggressive in this degenerate year of our lord. Don't like black women that much. Mixed race black women are nice though.
I'll be honest, most time yes. But there are exceptions..for some reason, I'm not really attracted to white guys, but every now and then I see an attractive white guy that i'm attracted too. That doesn't mean I think all white guys are ugly. I think they are good looking..I'm just not usually attracted to them
I'm 14 and I am white and well I AM NOT rasist, but I find white girls....... Erm..... Attractive to put it bluntly. I personally think it is the person's mindset that causes this oddness. For some reason I don't have many Mexican friends.
There are more than seven billion people on this face of this Earth. There is bound to be attractive people in every culture, and in every shade of skin tone. I'm just sorry that very few smart people breed. It seems like all the idiots keep multiplying exponentially, which obliterates the rest of us.
There is no "UGLY' race, there is beautiful people, and ugly people in every race. It all boils down to personal preference.
Hope I Helped!
I tend to like Hispanics and Asians the most, but there are some exceptions.
definitely, chinese is unattractive for me. they're not ugly but i prefer black or dark race.
if i have to choose, white or chinese, i prefer white.