Lets assume this is true. Then on the other side lets assume that the democrat party penalizes white people in order to attract and satisfy their minority constituency. So, why should I as a white man vote democrat? Why should republican representatives try to appeal to minorities that call them racist and 95% vote democrat? It seems to me that republicans need to wake up white people to that fact that their democratic opposition is not working to our benefit.
If you call me a racist you are part of the problem and not the solution. Because the more people are called racist, the less they are going care about your opinion of them. It's becoming the boy who cried wolf effect.
Update:Another thing that they do is they give government contracts to minority owned companies (preferential treatment), over a company that is owned by white people. We shouldnt even care who owns a company, but for some reason it is a bonus to be minority owned, I wonder why.
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I agree! But have you noticed how it is entertainment when blacks or hispanice tell a rude joke about white people. For instance Chappel.
The minority are the racist. They make an excuse to down white people more than ever now!!!!!!!!
A lie, told often enough, assumes the mantle of truth!
That is what the Democratic party has been doing to the Republican party for decades now and a tremendous number of people have bought into the lie. It has gotten to the point that any denials of racism by the Republicans are viewed as lies.
Take a bit of time and do some research. The Democrats were the true racists, up until the '60s and it became expedient for them not to be racist because the Republicans were pushing the desegregation bills through Congress. It was then, that the Democrats began the lie of Republican racism, which continues to this day and that the Democratic rank and file believe!
because of the fact LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act inflicting the racist Dixiecrats to connect the GOP. additionally, Nixon's Southern attitude performed a huge section in it. Edit: so a procedures it is the only real answer. announcing "Herp derp Lincoln became right into a Republican derrr" jointly as ignoring the political realignments that have taken place is an oversimplification of historic previous.
I don't think it is true. I think that most republicans are wrong about just about everything but I don't think that they are racist. I also don't think that democrats want to hurt white people. In my opinion the left is more sensitive to the history, needs and issues that deal with race in this country. I think they want to bring everyone up to the same level. Not push white people down. But I don't think that the right wants to hurt minorities so white people can be better off. They believe in everyone pulling themselves up while forgetting that some people can't. To me it's more about economic status than race.
I think there are many reasons to never vote democrat. That being said the leftist ideologies are considerably polarizing.
I think the republican party should appeal to people.. many of them do.. but the attacks on the left tend to deter them from there ideology and spend to much time playing games.
The republicans need to empower people and showing them that they are in command of there own destiny.. and that they can do whatever they want if they just tried. The left needs to be exposed for what they are.
Estoy confusada.
Parties shouldn't appeal to minorities. It's this special treatment and singling out that is creating so much racial tension. Whereas the genuine divisions are built from social class.
The irony here is that the DEMS always receive the majority of the minority vote yet DEM policies have done nothing except enslave millions of black Americans into socialistic welfare programs to the point of dependency.
Any conservative who even questions Obama's tax and spend and historically failed policies is labeled a bigot racist. It's a liberal talking point and par for the course.
You don;'t solve racism by creating more racism.
I have certainly met some racist Republicans but I have met just as many racist Democrats.
Both parties are racist to some extent, but the republican party is the most racist.
The whole purpose of the Southern Strategy used by the Republican party was to attract racist and win the South and they have been using it since.
To the question of should the republican party try to attract minorities?
Not if their polices remain racist. Minorities and women are not stupid.
They see the republicans talking out of their neck while upholding polices that don't help them.
If you define yourself or your decisions based on race ... then yes, you're a racist
Dictionary definition
and remember, YOU are the one with the problem, not me
you got a serious 'forest through the trees' thing going on with your rant ... I see you pointing fingers at others, but what exactly is your point? that minorities have more opportunities than whites ... /yawn
you sound like the drunk college kid in the camper in that movie Borat