OK, I bought a laptop a couple months back. As soon as I got it, I found that the internet was broken. I got it fixed, and I was happy with it, until earlier this month. The internet switch broke again. Before I could get it fixed again, it REALLY broke. When I turned it on, I could hear the computer sounds going, but the screen was completely black. The place I bought if from won't let me return it. My question: Is there anything I can do? If not, I heard that some places will pay you if you give them your old phones. Will this work with laptops? If so, how can I do it?
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you can take it to your local bestbuy and they will give you an offer. go to www.bestbuy.com
No i does no longer attempt this. The reveal is broken yet there might want to correctly be different factors that could want to correctly be recycled. i'd take it to a digital shop or go surfing and discover an section they take that stuff. i recognize it truly is unlawful to throw out a computing gadget in u . s . of america so if this facilitates right here ya go :D also I observed on a tutor something naughty yet humorous. promote it on ebay as quite use! :D solid success!