Is there any product that actually repels fleas on dogs?We are in Fla, and the fleas are bad here. I have even treated the yard, and nothing seems to work. I have also used frontline on our dogs, that didn't work. I am resorting to bathing an Akita, and German Shepard once a week, and that is an all day job and back breaking. They both hate a bath, and are pretty much indoor dogs.
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Don't give your dog raw garlic. In an article on Onion and Garlic Toxicity in Dogs and Cats, Jennifer Prince, DVM states: “Garlic and onion are used as flavor enhancers in food. Since the toxic amount is unknown, it is recommended not to add it to your pet's food. These ingredients can cause Heinz body anemia, resulting in a breakdown of the red blood cells and anemia.” [2] Although the exact toxic dose is not known, studies unanimously agree that foods containing garlic should not be fed to dogs.
You never quite win the war with fleas and ticks, but you can win battles. I am suprised that Frontline has not helped. Perhaps you should trying using K9 Advantix or using Frontline Plus and applying it every two weeks instead on once a month. Use the viles (Top Spot) and not the spray. You should apply it 48 hours after a bath. Frontline Plus has all the benefits of FRONTLINE Top Spot with an extra ingredient,
(S)-methoprene. Not only kills adult fleas, but also breaks the flea life cycle by killing their eggs and larvae, preventing re-infestation
It would also be advisable to use a fogger to kill fleas in the garden and wash all bedding your dogs use. Vacuum out the carpets and spray down the house with an appropriate flea and tick fogger or spray. Better still call up your local pest control and tell them you have a flea problem. You need to get the dogs done and the house done all at the same time. Hope this has helped and good luck.
All of the veterinary spot-ons - Frontline, Advantage, Revolution and Advocate will prevent fleas on an animal for at least a month. BUT don't bathe the dog within 48 hours after or before applying the spot-on or it can't work.
If you didn't like the Frontline, switch to one of the others above, they're all good. Just wait 48 hours after bathing before applying the stuff. And make sure you get it on the skin!
Have you only treated the yard? You really need to treat inside the house too, especially if they're indoor dogs. Get a proper house spray from a vets.
Frontline or Advantage, applied to the back of the dog's neck every single month will do it.
We are also in Florida and went nuts with sprays, collars, baths, having the house sprayed, etc.
Regular use of the topical liquids on the dog works like a charm - we have had no problems with 6 dogs in years.
To repel ticks too, use Advantix or Frontline Plus.
If you have a major infestation in your yard, you may want to put down some lime or have the yard sprayed too. If your house is infested, you need to take care of that - vacuum the rugs, the sofas, throw away the bag. Wash all dog bedding and blankets also.
We had a bad infestation earlier this year (3 cats and a dog can you imagine?) horrible... so I'm with you completely it can be terrible...
If you have already used frontline it depends how long it has been since you have applied it, regardless of what it says on the box it is rarely that this stuff works in 24 hours... especially if there are more dogs in the household... you have to break the flea cycle, so one more application of some type of topical treatments might be needed...
Also if they are indoor dogs, you will have to clean the house as well... vacuum for at least a week, wash or throw away the pets bedding and wash your bedding if dogs can get on beds... if you have carpets I would suggest sprinkling with salt, leave it for a bit and then vacuum thoroughly... Good luck :)
Hartz InControl Flea & Tick Dog Spray
That works like a charm. Frontline didnt work for our little guy either so we resorted to Hartz spray and since we have been spraying him the ticks and fleas have not attacked him at all. Also we pug freshly chopped garlic into his food. Not a lot, mind you, but maybe a half a tea spoon worth. This results in an odor that is released through the dog's skin that the ticks, fleas, and pests like that in general do not like. Try those two and maybe they are going to work for you also.
Good Luck!
I use advocate- spot on treatment, just need to make sure their fur is completely dry and that you don't wash them until say 3 weeks after the treatment, I mean that 3 weeks is just a conservative guess- you don't need to wash your dog that often but if you want maybe you can wash them the day before they are due for their monthly spot on treatment. Advocate works by spreading a barrier around the body and will kill fleas.
All the best