Hi guys!
Sparky here. Ok, so this year I am taking online schooling. Which means i use a school computer to browse the internet a lot. When I first started it did block some things that were dumb, but not a lot.
Now it blocks me from youtube saying it's adult pornography. Not once have I searched for anything bad on there so I have no clue why it blocks me. There is like nothing wrong with youtube,and if I did want to search for bad things it would block me anyways.
The thing is, I don't want to be blocked from school or kicked out. But it keeps blocking things that arer innocent,next thing I know it's gonna block my email. I mean, like I can't do anything on this comp without it being blocked. I mean, heck one of our teachers gave us an assignemnt from youtube. Now the comp is blocking it?? It makes no sense at all.
So if anyone could give me any advice on what to do or how to stay safe so i don't get introuble, please help.
On Tuesday I will discuss this with my teacher.^^
Any help is appreicated! BTW, the pop up blocker can not be removed, it has admin properties, So I dunno what to do.
Look, I appreciate your opinion but you do not need to name call any of the the teachers or me or anyone else.
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Try Firefox USB on your pendrive. It needs to be installed on your pendrive using another PC. Instead of using IE, use Firefox. The 'block' system is sometimes programmed for IE and ignores FF. The browsing history and cookies remain on the pendrive. If the FF is blocked, try Opera USB browser. I've used both successfully after being blocked from the most ridiculously innocent sites.
Worth a try, right?
You need to understand why all these things are restricted or blocked.
Yes, you might look on Youtube for "innocent" videos, but there's nothing stopping a video with an "innocent" name being filled with porn. System admins don't have the time or the budgets to granularly examine every page of a site to see if it's offensive. So the simplest and most effective way is to block the site.
Innocence is not always the issue. The Internet is not always a safe place, and machines can get infected with all kind of thins without the user knowing. Systems are targeted from emails and other benign sites that seem safe but are dumping all kinds of crap on the system. People don't visit these sites intentionally; crackers use social engineering to coax people to go places they shouldn't.
This is why admins block email sites. Web-based email isn't as carefully screened for spam or malware, so going to your Yahoo mail account could potentially expose the system to something bad. So they're blocked.
Finally, there's the bandwidth issue. Most schools don't have large amounts of bandwidth to share among all their users. if you were able to go anywhere on the net, where do you think most kids would go? Youtube, facebook, MySpace, music streaming sites, video streaming sites, and so on. All of which suck away at the existing bandwidth and slow the network to a crawl.
If the teacher is giving an assignment from Youtube, they the TEACHER needs to discuss this with the network administrator at the school. This teacher doesn't appear to be that bright if they didn't know this was going to be an issue for the students.
all you can do is talk to your teacher it really doesn't have anything to do with you but its a school wide filter. there are ways around it by using proxies but they probably have blocked most of those also. i assume this isn't a high school so i'm not sure why the network admin would be blocking this stuff other then they are an idoit. sadly alot of people in my field have no business being in the field. best of luck.
Try a proxy site like browseatwork.com or something similar. You could try talking to the Network admin but Net Nazis are rarely reasonable people.
Why not phone admin and tell them why and what you want to do they may let you do it