At the very end of my spine and a little higher (basically my whole.lower spine) hurts with a pressure that is so tight that just curling the bottom of it hurts like hell and even the muscles in my buttocks are tightening involuntarily because of the pain, I can feel them doing it right now. I need relief so badly. I can't take this extremely tight pressure anymore please, I'm desperate for help/an answer/a suggestion for relief.
16 year old female
2 back injuries in childhood 1, being hit with a softball in the mid back and 2. Slipping on wet grass and falling and landing straight on a softball directly on my tailbone/lower back with A LOT of force.
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I sympathise with your pain, you must be going through hell, there are so many causes of this that I could fill an Encyclopaedia. However, in my many years as a Doctor I have come across cases such as yours before, they came to me on recommendation and I have helped 90% at least improve and the vast majority to be free of pain for the first time in years, here is my story.
As a Doctor myself, I’m afraid that when it comes to treating conditions like this, my profession is in the Stone Age, not all of us try to treat these conditions with pain killers, injections or operations that rarely work or make the condition worse. Some Doctors (unfortunately very few) are more enlightened and refer patients to somebody that is proven to help these patients. I recommend manipulation but DON’T go to a Chiropractor, an Osteopath is what you need, go to which is the website of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) there you will find a section entitled “Find a DO” (Person who has a Diploma in Osteopathy) and search for one in your area. If there is more than one, ask around or try the net to find which is the best. He will give you an honest assessment of whether anything can be done and if so what.
You may be one of the 10% in that this treatment is ineffective, but you may also be one of the 90% that are successful, what have you got to lose? I am a Doctor and don’t do manipulation but I have seen so many success stories that I recommend it to patients like yourself. The Osteopath will tell you if treatment will work or if you’re wasting your money, at worst you lose a few Dollars at best your pain goes and you can start to live. Think about it.
At this younger age spinal pain mostly occurs due to sleeping problems.I will suggest you to change the mattress and select innerspring mattress which can relieve you from spinal pain.These mattresses provide deep down support essential for proper spinal alignment.
It sounds like you have damaged some muscles.
You doctor or a GOOD qualified physiotherapist.
It is likely thatyou may be given some Pilatesexercises to help strengthen your damaged muscles.