I read a short article about El Elyon and Yahweh. It was interesting i'm not sure if i understand it correctly though.
From what i understand this article was saying Elyon and Yahweh are 2 different gods. Elyon being a higher god than yahweh.
Can someone explain it to me? and who is the God of what.
And who are the people/reigion that believe in this?
Update:CJ thanks for all that research, im researching the links you provided. thanks any information would be great.
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EL means god but it also referred to the father of the gods in Semitic polytheistic religion that predates Judaism.
EL had about 70 sons. Some of them are : Hadad, Molech, Yamm, Mot.
Both Hadad and Molech are often referred to as Ba'al (which means 'lord) You may remember this word from the Bible. The Golden Calf was a symbol of Molech.
It turns out that in 1928 we discovered texts that later proved that Yahweh was also a son of EL and that later he evolved his own separate religion and his followers erased all worship of the other gods. (you will find blatant record of much of this genocide in the Bible, where the followers of Yahweh exterminate the evil worshipers of other gods, in most every holy war in the Bible, it is the worshipers of Yahweh who are the aggressors)
These myths tell a story in which each son of EL was given his share of worshipers.
Deuteronomy 32:8-9 (King James Version):
"When the Most High (EL) divided their inheritance to the nations(his sons),
When He separated the sons of Adam,
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the children of Israel.
For YHWH's portion is His people;
Jacob is the place of His inheritance."
There are various names used for God in the Bible, one is El Elyon (God Most High) and another is Yahweh. They possibly derive from different traditions which fed into Judaism over time. To say that they represent two different gods within the context of the Old Testament is highly contentious to say the least.
El Elyon is the god of the gods like Zeus and yahweh is thought to have bean the god of war like Ares
Please google these terms: ugarit, canaanite religion
The canaanite religion predates the proto-Judaic religion. In the Ugarit belief system El Elyon (EL the Most High or EL of the Mountains) was the chief of the gods. He had a wife (Asherah), and had 70 sons, among which were Yahweh (God of Storms) and Ba'al (God of fertility?)
Elements of the Canaanite belief system can be seen in the Old Testament, in the parts written before Judaism became mono-theistic. For example where the OT talks about the Elohim -- this would be the heavenly court of El, comprised of him, his wife, and all their sons and their son's wives. Also, in Job, Genesis, and Deuteronomy, where you see the term: "sons of God". In the original, the phrase was: "sons of El" conveniently changed when Jews became mono-theistic after the Babylonian exile.
Also: In 1 Kings 22:19-22 we read of Yahweh meeting with his heavenly council. This is the very description of heaven which one finds in the Ugaritic texts. For in those texts the “sons of god” are the sons of El.
Note this interesting quote, from the 4th source below: 'There is one Ugaritic text which seems to indicate that among the inhabitants of Ugarit, Yahweh was viewed as another son of El. KTU 1.1 IV 14 says:
sm . bny . yw . ilt
“The name of the son of god, Yahweh.”
This text seems to show that Yahweh was known at Ugarit, though not as the Lord but as one of the many sons of El.'
Also from that source (emphasis mine): What this means is that the Hebrew theologians adopted the titles of the Canaanite gods and attributed them to Yahweh in AN EFFORT TO ELIMINATE THEM. If Yahweh is all of these there is no need for the Canaanite gods to exist! This process is known as assimilation.
Links for research (and for those giving this TDs without bothering to read):
NOTE: no problem Un - nice to see some real scholarship around here for a change. Here is one final link: a scholarly study by a student of theology on the topic of EL, and the sons of EL in Deuteronomy.
technically it's possible to say "there is no other like me" and still have others of the same species or race. example: i say i'm one of a kind, as in, there is no one in the world that is exactly like me, because all humans are different. so there could be say... millions of deities, but none like God. it's like a gorilla in a group of chimps. he stands out from the others. also, myth says there was a King AND Queen of Heaven. not just a Father, but a Mother as well. so if there's one deity, there's likely to be more. whether the others died off like the dinosaurs, or if the others aren't as powerful, or if they're just different from "God". the point is you can't have one of something, without there being more at some point.
CJ has covered the basics, so I’ll give you a few book recommendations covering the subject:
The origins of biblical monotheism: Israel's polytheistic background and the Ugaritic texts (Mark S. Smith): http://www.amazon.com/Origins-Biblical-Monotheism-...
The early history of God: Yahweh and the other deities in ancient Israel (Mark S. Smith): http://www.amazon.com/Early-History-God-Biblical-R...
I believe John Day’s (OT scholar Oxford) ‘Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan’ also covers the subject, but I’ve not had the change to read it yet:
Both names represent different aspects of the same God.
He is the God of ISRAEL in the kjv BIBLE
Genesis 1:26 (KJV)
26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Yahweh ben Yahweh went to prison for fraud.
Different names for the one G-d, there cannot be more than one
"I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me," Isaiah 45:5