Im 16
I felt like my heart beat was irregular because there are pauses in certain beats which got me really worried
Had two ECG's which cardiologists haven't worried about but said I had Sinus Arrhythmia
I also had a blood test
I found out about what Sinus Arrhythmia is and that your heart rate increases when you inhale and decreases when you exhale and this is exactly what happens with me , But i'm still worried about it a little.
I have no family history of heart disease or other heart problems
I'm really scared because some of the beats in my pulse are like little pauses until the next beat beats , im scared gonna go into sudden cardiac arrest :(
Since i have had two EKG's and a blood test shall i just relax :(
Sorry i know i post so many things but i can't help it i just need reassurance all the time to make me feel better
I just went to my doctor and I insisted on getting a 24 hour holter monitor so he is going to write to the hospital about it even though he seems to think my heart beat and the little pauses are normal , but in the meantime i'm still really anxious and scared that i could have something like sudden cardiac death , If it was to do with cardiac death would the doctor have known that on the ECG 3 days ago
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1st off, thanks taking time to write an intelligent question... being a person who your Physician says has Sinus Arrythmia I would ask you besides the "quirky" feelings do you ever feel super weak dizzy lightheaded have trouble breathing catching your breath when you do physical things? are you able to play sports and stuff?
from a medical page I use...
"Sinus arrhythmia: The "normal increase in heart rate that occurs during inspiration" its normal in kids (when you breathe in). This is a natural response and is more accentuated in children than adults.<<<<<
The "sinus" refers to the natural pacemaker of the heart which is called the sinoatrial (or sinus) node. It is located in the wall of the right atrium (the right upper chamber of the heart). Normal cardiac impulses start there and are transmitted to the atria and down to the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart).
Sinus "tachycardia" refers to a fast heartbeat (tachycardia) because of rapid firing of the sinoatrial (sinus) node. This occurs in response to exercise, exertion, excitement, pain, fever, excessive thyroid hormone, low blood oxygen (hypoxia), stimulant drugs (such as caffeine), etc.
The lack of normal sinus rhythm is an arrhythmia, an abnormal heart rhythm.
Last Editorial Review: 6/14/2012
" Sudden cardiac arrest" issues in young people your age is caused by what is called "Cardio MY O Pathy" ( there are a few types) but when athletes have the issues often the Septum (which divides left from right sides of the heart) thickens and eventually the heart can't pump enough blood out and the person collapses (Hy per tro phic - Cardio My O Pat h y)
and these are differant issues totally, Unless your feeling weakness dizzy almost blackout like feelings when you exert yourself I don't think you have much to worry about
CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) use ECGs to diagnose those teens and young adults who are at risk of sudden cardiac death ( ) so yep, a normal ECG is probably enough to rule out the risk of sudden cardiac death. If you're still extrememly anxious you can always attend a specialist CRY clinic to see the real experts on Sudden Cardiac Death - they're based at the Brompton in London but run specialist clinics (no referral needed) right across the UK.