Recent I was in Georgia and I'm 15 and a girl, I was visiting my family. Me and my 21 yr old guy cousin are really close, and when I was there, I told him everything, my depression, my severe social anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Well after I told him, he took me out for ice cream and to the mall and spent $150 on me and gave me the best day ever and he talked to me about my suicidal thoughts. The next day, our whole family went to a lake to go swimming. And anytime I came up from underwater or started coughing my cousin would freak out and was like "Are you ok"? "Are you ok"? And he was always near me. I can swim also..did he think I was trying to drown myself because I told him about my suicidal thoughts? I mean I was okay, I swam underwater and came up and he just freaked out. Did he think I was trying to kill myself or something?
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He may not have thought that exactly, but to be honest, having been where you are now before and having relatives I care deeply for, I would be (perhaps overly) concerned for you as well. Now, I can't exactly speak for him of course, but when someone you love, or even care about, is hurting that badly, I know I am prone to overreacting, and that may be his case. If there is one thing I've learned through the darkest of my emotional holes though, (and I know this sounds cheesy), it's that you are unique unto yourself, and someone that simply cannot be replaced to others; and to yourself of value only you can realize. Keep being yourself and eventually it will be worth it, I know :) But back to the subject (I tend to ramble), he was probably just feeling protective, as I would be heartbroken if one of my stepsisters even thought of harming themselves. If it's worth the conversation, talk your feelings about this matter through with him and he will probably understand. I hope this makes you feel a little better (about everything) and if so my first answer here will have been my greatest success. Hang in there!
Well I would be concerned about my cousin if she had just old me about her thoughts, and then the next day, almost seem like she's drowning. No, I wouldn't think you were doing it on purpose. But I would just be protective.
If your still concerned about him, try talking to him about it. Tell him if you really would commit in front of him. Reassure him.
Best wishes!
No, it just means he is being overprotected.