I don't see anypoint to my existence anymore. What am I working for? What am I living for? Is there an end to my madness. My fiance broke up with me and I don't feel I can go on without her anymore. I know its sad but its just the way I feel. Has anyone ever felt like this? So hopeless..that nothing matters anymore?
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sometimes i feel suicidal, but suicide is never the option. when you feel feally low, just think about the good things in life, and focus on what you have to live for, not on the bad things. Maybe contact a doctor or something to get depression tablets or something. One of my older sister is feeling really depressed at the moment, and what she needs is support from her family, so talk to them. Hope you feel better soon, and please don't die :) xxx
As petter said, make the most of it before you die. Your options are not as limited as you think they are. Clearly something DOES matter or you would not have asked on here. There are more possibilities in life than you think. Try going on holiday with a good friend or staying with some relatives for a while. Yes, I have felt like you before. If our words mean nothing to you and the world is only black and white now, remember that nothing is a constant - nothing lasts forever anyway. I'm sorry you feel this way but life's a ***** and you aren't the only one who this has happened to - in the past present or the future either. It sounds kinda hopeless but there are others out there. I'm sorry that last sentence sounds so fake. All I can really say is I understand you and I wish you all the best, whatever happens.
Yes, and actually recently.
I tried to commit suicide on the 4th, not even a month ago.
I OD on my anti-depressants and sleeping medication, and I came REALLY close to dying. I was in ICU for 3 days, and Baker Act-ed for another 3 days...worse mistake in my life. The pain I caused to my husband and family...I can't forgive myself.
I know exactly how you feel, I don't know what to say to really convince you not to do it other than, like seriously don't. It feels like its so easy than dealing with all the problems in life.
You were loved once before and you will be loved again, and I'm sure your family loves you too.
I'm a stranger but I care about you as a person to not do it. But there are plenty of alternatives, just need to find them sweetheart. Keep your chin up.
I was very suicidal when my fiance left me in 2007. The worst thing in the world for me was quitting my job. You need to stay busy and, if you can, get into counseling. I know it sounds dumb to talk to a counselor about a break-up, but they can help you sort out your feelings.
I attempted suicide multiple times because of my ex and am now 10,000 dollars in debt because of a hospital bill following an overdose.
Yes, I have felt that way. After my daughter was born seven years ago I went through 5 years of hell and for 3 of those years I was obsessed with dying and wanted to kill myself. I was hospitalized a couple times because of it. I didn't see the point of living, and I honestly felt I was doing everyone a favor. I have gone through years of therapy and was on meds for a while. I am now in a much better space and have been for the last 2 years now. I am in love with life and am so glad I am alive. I've gone through many changes the past couple years. One of them was divorcing my husband of 10 years. Sometimes you need times of quietness and being alone to find yourself again and just do things for you. Take time for yourself. Make yourself the number one priority in your life. Be happy for you and only you. Things don't magically get better. You have to find the stregnth and put in the effort to make them better, and trust me... its well worth it.
NOthing ever did matter.
All life is, is..... life.
That's all there is to it. You were nothing before you were born and you will be nothing once your fleshy shell ceases to function.
This one life is all you have, make the most of it. Good or bad; you don't get another chance.
yes i have been there . dont do it .there is so much more to life then meets the eye.an know one perosn is worth dying for . some times you have to change every thing you know ie..people ,places,and things . tats the best part of waking up every day .you get to start over. dream bigger and better. good luck. P.S. dont do it please.
Person who is very week by mentally commit suicide.If you feel that you are week commit suicide.Best of luck.