When there is a demand for something, someone will come in and meet that demand. They make money. (Demand side economics)
When there is a supply of something and no demand for it, there is no money to be made. (Supply side economics)
What is so hard to understand about this cons? Why do you keep promoting supply side (Reanomics/trickle-down), whatever you want to call it?
Update:@gws: Go ahead an explain your version. This ought to be funny.
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... Excellent question. Economies are demand-driven. Without demand, there are no sales. The Reagonomics war on the middle class was so successful that the middle class no longer has spending money, so they bought on credit. When the banks rescinded the credit, the middle class didn't have enough money to keep the economy afloat, so it crashed. Meanwhile, during what is a terribly tough time for everyone else, those at the top have made record profits.
Do you really understand supply side economics? It is not simply about reducing taxes on business owners; it focuses on both policies that help raise capital for new and expanding businesses and on the costs of production. The "conventional wisdom" is not always correct.
So you would rather government go to all of the trouble and expense and administrative cost to tax a business and then spend money with businesses instead of just letting businesses keep their own hard-earned money to begin with? That doesn't make much sense, either.
Both are a flavor of Keynesian economics, each focuses on one side of the supply-demand equation.
Both are horrible and flawed and need to be abolished and confined to the history books.
Both are trickle down economics, Reagan was just proud to admit it.
I promote FREE ENTERPRISE economics as presented by Nobel prize winning econominst, Dr. Milton Friedman. That includes both supply and demand, and let the MARKET determine both.
1. REPEAL the 16th Amendment!!
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc_-L4fyLUo&feature...
Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
Because most people who vote for the Reps do it for two reasons. Either they are a small business owner or maker of more money than most and they don't understand the difference between what they make and the super rich make OR they are racist. Sure some are just confused, but the majority of the ones who vote rep fall into those two catagories....
I guess there probably are a lot of people who just think that taxes just simply dissapear and they think that less taxes means more money for everybody......but they are uneducated on the topic.
"The primary aim of modern warfare [is] to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living..."
That's about ALL the demand side economics most Conservatives are willing to tolerate.
because you can control the supply of things in the market place. You cannot control the demand.
The Dems are still convinced that they can somehow control people's demand for things. It cannot be done.
Economies ARE demand driven, but the demand is organic. You cannot force people to want things.
you CAN find areas of demand are change the supply to grow the economy or maximize profits.
Probably useless to try to explain this to you, but here goes ....
If you have employees producing goods for you, they will earn wages. They will take their wages and use them to purchase goods and services from other producers, thereby enabling them to hire more workers who will in tune have wages to spend on your companies products. Its basic economics.
I suppose you are probably from that camp that thinks government stimulus plans (failed Keynesian policies) are the way to go. How did this last round work for you?
They literally support whatever the GOP and Fox News tells them to. They don't think, they just absorb
No, that's not supply side economics.
Try educating yourself so you don't make such a fool of yourself in public.