He's an ardent believer in money-out-of-politics good government, you see, except when those lofty principles complicate the all-surpassing goal of attaining and fortifying political power:
On a conference call with members of President Obama’s 2012 reelection committee Monday evening, campaign manager Jim Messina announced that donors should start funding Priorities USA, the Democratic super PAC run by two former White House staffers, Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney. The move was a remarkable shift in approach toward the independent political expenditure groups, whose role in the political process Obama has criticized and from which his campaign had sought to keep distance. Just seven months earlier, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt assured, “Neither the President nor his campaign staff or aides will fundraise for super PACs,” according to the LA Times.
Not only has our pious president "criticized" these independent groups, he's actually labeled them "a threat to our democracy." Indeed, these Super PACS are such a mortal threat to the American Way that Obama supporters are now compelled to embrace them. Funny how that works. The impetus for this "remarkable shift"? The Koch Brothers, natch:
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This man thinks that he can trample the Constitution, ignore and circumvent Congress, dictate to the people and that is fine. Now he demonstrates that as many suspected lies and will do and say anything to get re-elected. Do you not think America is worthy of better than this man? I do!
Romney and Karl Rove's super pacs have raised ~100 Million so far. We can't fight the richie riches with one hand tied behind our back. Better get ready to whine about Obama being a Chicago style bully cuz when he wins reelection its time to go George W. on these fools. "I'm the decider, I'm rIght, you're wrong"
And that is ALMOST as hypocritical as earning $22 Million a year on investments made from gutting American companies and taking American jobs and sending them overseas.... then claiming to "represent America."
It's also just as LEGAL as creating tax shelters in foreign nations and claiming to pay a "fair share."
He just had to give back 200 thousand dollars because it came from two brothers from Mexico who had ties to crime. Hmm....
Yes, he has sunk to the level of Republicans....I never thought he would stoop that low.
obama lies all the time. He put on some fake offended front during that state of the union, now he turns 180 and brings in the money from the rich.
I just do not understand why people can not see the evils of this man.
Par for the course for this POS regime. Same thing they did with the Debt ceiling.
I still have the ink in my fingers
black,yellow,green and red
It's called fighting fire with fire
Obama lied. That is actually incredibly unsurprising.