False. He just declared Venezuela as a national threat to America. Why? No reason. Just because of **** that's going on in Venezuela and has nothing to do with us at all. And you know, everything else.
There is still a death penalty. He didnt use the presidential veto anywhere near as often as he should re: financial reform, Obamacare etc.
The absolutely true idea that "(the risk of) terrorism is price worth paying for freedom of communication" is not the basis of government policy in the US (or UK) - and people who know better are pretending to be "outraged" by the suggestion.
My mother taught me that everyone is good for something. I'm still trying to figure out how that applies to chairman obama. Can I get back to you? I did ask Mom and she couldn't figure it out, either.
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
False. He just declared Venezuela as a national threat to America. Why? No reason. Just because of **** that's going on in Venezuela and has nothing to do with us at all. And you know, everything else.
He didnt close Guantanao bay.
There is still a death penalty. He didnt use the presidential veto anywhere near as often as he should re: financial reform, Obamacare etc.
The absolutely true idea that "(the risk of) terrorism is price worth paying for freedom of communication" is not the basis of government policy in the US (or UK) - and people who know better are pretending to be "outraged" by the suggestion.
Barack Obama is a good President if you are a Collectivist, but a horrible President if you are an Individualist.
The Cost of Living index has gone up over $4000/yr for the average American family since Obama took office.
On that basis alone Obama has earned an F that is ten foot tall.
Better question would be "are Americans so naive to think that one of their presidents decide something?"
All after Kennedy are simply a pawns, and Kennedy was killed just because he did not want to be a pawn
Good luck USA
Horrible president!
He's an excellent President.
My mother taught me that everyone is good for something. I'm still trying to figure out how that applies to chairman obama. Can I get back to you? I did ask Mom and she couldn't figure it out, either.
Thin-skinned arrogant authoritative socialist with a messiah complex.
Other than that, he's okay