Why is it whenever someone speaks about their paranormal experience, ignorant asses always want to resort that you need medication or a therapist? They think they're crazy when in fact what they say is true. Coming from my cultural background, it is normal to believe in the spiritual world. I understand some don't believe it, but don't try to put thoughts into someone that they need psychiatric help.
Any thoughts?
Update:What I meant is that the person who experience paranormal activities may believe they actually saw something. I see that people have different perspectives. But I think if someone is coming from where they believe in actual spiritual beings, and a skeptic comes to say that they're insane, that's when I think it's wrong. That's what I meant. Sorry for not clarifying this enough
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The "assh0le" types are secretly scared to death of the very concept --its part of their cover. Calmer and more civil , but inexperienced types will offer alternative explanations .
There is NO "Paranormal" as such, only the natural world aspects present day Science cannot explain yet (we do not know everything yet) Providing we eliminate hoaxes, illusions and hallucinations, comprising over 90% of the reports.
This means SOME of the reported phenomena is actually "REAL", simply of an unknown (for now) nature. But REAL does not necessarily mean real "Ghosts", etc. We simply do not know what it is yet.----Time and study eventually will solve the problem---That is how Science works.
I find it dismissive to reflexively say someone needs a psychiatrist just for harboring paranormal beliefs, but it isn't the skeptics who so often come here and ask, in effect (or even literally), "Is this paranormal or am I crazy?", as though there are no other options. There is almost always a rational, normal explanations for what we experience, without resorting to paranormal ones, and even the least plausible natural explanation is orders of magnitude more likely than a supernatural one.
Let me ask you this, though--if someone says that the thoughts in his head are not his, but he's convinced that either aliens are controlling his mind and inserting the thoughts into his brain, or there is a machine on a mountaintop somewhere that is doing it, and he claims to be completely serious, would that person be well advised to seek psychiatric help? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150... Or does that fall within the range of 'normal' to you?
<when in fact what they say is true> But you have no way of knowing that--there are certainly fake stories here. Much of the time these questions are genuine--I see no reason to doubt claims that someone woke up and saw a spirit in their bedroom, or they were watching TV late at night and thought they saw something, because there are rational explanations (e.g. hypnagogia) for such things without resorting to paranormal ones. Are you saying that plausible real-world explanations shouldn't be pointed out, or that people here don't have a right to do so? If you are, you're 100% wrong, and need to find another website. Yahoo!Answers is an open site, and if people, you included, choose to post here, they should be prepared to hear all points of view, whether they agree with them or not. There are hundreds if not thousands of paranormal-only websites you or anyone else can go to, nobody is forcing you or them to use Yahoo.
These people will tell you that they have no interest or belief in paranormal yet they hang around this section like a bad smell. That can only leave, the need to ridicule people. They have had no paranormal experience, yet have the most to say. Best to block the lot of them and tell your pals to do the same.
Somethings you can't really understand unless you've experienced it. I've experienced things that some would describe as paranormal and in the moments they were happening I believed it was paranormal. Now I believe there's perfectly logical explanations for things I've seen., however others would continue to believe it was a ghost or something and I have no problem with that
Many cultures such as yours accept paranormal phenomenon as a given but it does not mean that individuals in that culture do not feel afraid and driven on the edge by these spirits/ghosts so they say things like it's driving me crazy or am I going crazy?
Being haunted can drive anybody to fear no matter what culture they come from, calling them ignorant and and need of phychiatric support is not always the most helpful of comments.
Well, my thought is that those people who ridicule others who may have or not have experienced some paranormal event have never had an episode. Then again there are those who believe their shadow is a paranormal something and your defense on those are not from your cultural background. So that leaves you out in an open field without cover. Best to listen and judge those who make a claim to oneself, though that will never happen.
I am a believer in the paranormal, And I have been a psych nurse in the past and there are serious conditions that need help when hearing voices. It takes a mature person to tell the difference between the two.
So everyone is an ignorant a** because they tell you that you had a nasty dream when you were a child, when you would rather believe that it was some special spooky experience?
No one is saying that you are insane but since you state "But now I am way too scared to sleep in the dark as I fear this may happen to me again." it is not unreasonable to suggest that some sort of therapy would help you get over this irrational fear.
lol whats funny is some of the members here, have been hanging out on this site for years, if not a decade...lol, but yes...they are very afraid it is real and will say or do anything to anyone to prove it isnt real...yet, they spend the majority of their life on this section answering every single question. ignore them, they dont want to face reality or the chance that what they seen or felt themselves, was most likely real...and not hypnagogia. i mean hypnagogia can attest to some things, but every paranormal event is not due to hypnagogia... lol, thats ridiculous.
My friend and i went to my grandmothers new house. She lives in the country with no neighbors and it was our first time visiting. She had left to go to the store..we both heard a car drive up the long drive way and idle, then turn off and two car doors open and close. we were in the living room watching a movie with the main door open and the screen door shut. we both heard it. she didnt come in so we both got up and went to the door, but nothing was there. so we shrugged it off and went back to the movie. 20 or so minutes later, we heard another car pull up and we both went to the door. She was there with my mom...they were getting groceries out so we went to help carry them in. I casually told her we thought she had come home earlier but nobody was there, and she said, you heard two car doors open and close didnt you? I didnt even mention that part...and my friend and I were both shocked and said, yes! I asked her, how did you know that? She said, its happened every day at 3pm since I have been here. We hadnt even thought about it being paranormal before that...we just shrugged it off....now tell me this is hypnagogia or a shared mental illness between 3 different people...lol, and thats not even the scarey part.
Grandma J told us that the people that lived there before her were killed in a car wreck months before, on their way home. She knew this because when she was closing on the house, their family was there to close for them and it was being discussed in the room as they were signing papers. She gave them her condolences on their loss. So sad, but my grandma, my friend and I, witnessed it first hand. Many others witnessed it after...and I can assure you, it is not hypnagogia, or a mental illness.
Because people don't understand....I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND....and i got tired of being called crazy!!
nasty dream??? what about if you dream that someone will die and the person dies??? still a nasty dream as a child???and many more things!!!.... a lot of people don't just have "CHILD ISSUES" or head diseases, in fact we HIDE IT from people and society....because people say we're nuts....until they die! or "something terrible happens" and then, they don't leave you alone...and keep asking you for help or questions...and sometimes things just happens.....AND PEOPLE SHOULD GET THIS --------->WE DON'T KNOW WHY...we DON'T HAVE AL Lthe ANSWERS... why eve y time that kind of dream comes inside my head and someone dies...HOW SHOULD I KNOW WHY THAT HAPPENS??? DO I LIKE IT??? NOOOOOOO!!! I wish all that stuff would just go away! i tried to run from it since i was a child!!! it got worse and worse...i gave up....but i just try to keep things away from "normal society".
we don't know why some things happens, or how to fix them!!! some things just happen!!!
yes a lot of times we may know what they "are" another times we are not sure!!.....we can't wake up and run to people and say...by the way i dreamed you were going to DIE.....oh and it WAS A PREMONITORY DREAM.....and if you knew me...you would run for your life....premonitory dreams....its like a popcorn machine in my family...among other CRAZY things!! yes you all can call me crazy...i don't give a fk....im still trying to figure why some things happens...and lived all my life around them...so i really don't give a fk if you say i'm nuts!!! you know why people that are abducted by aliens....sometimes can't explain things very well?? I DO!! and no, i won't tell you!!
i'm still blown away by the fact that they already have fake water....YES FAKE WATER...and we don't!!!!among other things.......(yeap i'm crazy....) completely nuts!!! you're right...normal society!!
btw...IF YOU ARE AWAKE.(this is for my NOT NORMAL PEOPLE)...and ARE SEEING THINGS!!! you know what i mean....if you seem "something" you are not sleeping...so it is not a dream!!!