My English teacher is going crazy because she thinks teen pregnancy's are "cool" now adays. We have to do a project about teen pregnancy's and our views on the issue. I am planning on writing a story about teen pregnancy.
If you were a pregnant teen, are a pregnant teen, or witnessed teen pregnancy, and would like to help, tell me your story. (no personal info will be used.)
Please please help me if you have a story to tell.
Please use details!! Thank you sooo much!!
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What teacher would suggest teen pregnancies were 'cool!?'
Right a story on how wrong that is!
I am 18 and so is the father of my unborn child. We got pregnant on purpose about a week after I graduated highschool, and a matter of weeks for him. We did it so we could stay together, and we only dated for a couple of months. He was really good with the pregnancy for the first two months, came to the first two appointments, we had plans to stay together. And then came the breakup at about 9 weeks into the pregnancy. I was on vacation in New York and all of a sudden, he sent me a message through AIM saying that he doesn't think he wants a serious relationship anymore, or that he is ready to be a dad. I am now 3 1/2 months pregnant and it has been very unstable since then. It is the hardest thing being pregnant and alone, knowing that the father is out having fun, drinking, hooking up with other girls. I mean this is the father of your child, you are in love with this man. Pregnancy meant so much more when I was in a loving relationship.
I think teen pregnancys aren't the biggest issue in the world.
but i think that the world needs to teach more about preventing pregnancys because the main issue is most people dont use protection. My class had a huge discussion about this and the world needs to put more in to not have so many pregnancies.
Also, i think that girls aren't aware that everytime you have sex that it could happen to you and there is diseases that follow it and you never know what can happen with you and your partner.
i think as long as you have a supporting family and what not you will be okay. And sometimes getting problem solves the sex issue and teaches these young kids that its not all about sex and that stuff does happen its not something you always just to do for fun.
You actually brought another life into this world because of your little mistake.
Sooo yeah,i dont really have a story but thats mainly my discussion in class last year.
I have a friend who just gave birth (she's 17) and she's happy with her baby, but regrets making the choice of getting pregnant so early. In my opinion, getting pregnant at such a young age is irresponsible and for the most part, they don't even know how to raise their kids, therefore the teen's own parents have to take care of it. On top of that, usually the father bails out on the kid.
Now, if you go to school as a pregnant teen, your life becomes hellish (especially at the type of school I go to: upper-middle class high school and the people have are small minded), people stare at you and talk about you behind your back.
In short, don't get pregnant at such a young age. Wait until you're old enough, have some money, an education and finally, most importantly a safe environment to raise them.
Hope that helps. It's more opinion rather than anything else
i dont think teen pregnancies are "cool" as your teacher says, but they are most certainly more "acceptable". We, for the most part, no longer cast out pregnant teens, but embrace them b/c they need help. being in high school, i have known pregnant teens. Most got abortions, went into a period of depression, but came out ok, but defenitly changed. All of them ruined relationships, some couldnt trust men as well anymore. However, only one girl was thrown out of her house by her parents AND she chose to abort the child!!! just look at teens like jamie lynn spears, she gets publicity for her pregnancy, when she should be getting more scoulding. I think the overall lesson is A) wrap it up if your gonna do it, B) abortion or no, be responsible and get help from an adult figure, C). parents should accept their daughter, even if she made a mistake
WOW c'mon people. you guys can be so stupid sometimes!
i really don't think the teacher is saying teen pregnancies are cool, i think the teacher is talking about how in today's society teen pregnancies are looked upon as being "cool".
ANYWAYS. just watch the secret life of the american teenager and get a look into what it's like to be a preg teen.
also, there is a girl at my school who got pregnant and her boyfriend decided to join the army. Now she is alone with the baby and everyone knows her as "the pregnant girl"
when I was 18 I was living on my own (my choice because that it what you do when you graduate HS and don't go to college)
I was working and living with my boyfriend (who is now my husband)
I was young and dumb and used the "pull out method" I got pregnant. I was about to leave for the military and I also knew I was not ready for a kid. I had an abortion. It was about $400 because I wasn't making much money. But they can be $400-$1,000 depending on income.
It did not hurt and I have NO regrets. I know it was the right thing to do. I am now 23yrs old, married to that man and we are happy with our 2 cats and 1 dog, and many many toys (to include the cars we both want).
I have done many papers (college too) on abortions. if you want more info you can e-mail me
....oh, and your teacher is an IDIOT!!!!!
schools need to be teaching better info about birth control (like learning about planned parenthood- a clinic that can help for free) and about the issues that can come from sex
Teen pregnancy's imo are not cool at all. Sure 500 years ago when the average lifespan was about 30 years having a teen pregnancy would be common. Today that is not a case. Being a teen parent causes yourself and those around you a burden.
I by way of no potential condone teen being pregnant yet i may be a hypocrite if I suggested it somewhat is terrible, ect. I have been given pregnant while i became into 17 and that i became into scared to dying, yet fortuitously I had the main outstanding supportive relatives and an the two outstanding boyfriend (now my husband) We took accountability and we've a delightful 8 twelve months previous son and we've been married 9 years and that i dont think of we could ask for a greater constructive existence than we've. i actually think of it relies upon on the persons character and adulthood point...of direction Im conversing approximately older childrens, i think of it somewhat is a tragedy for a 13, 14, and so directly to ever be pregnant. I definately think of that there are childrens having toddlers that should not be mothers and dads in any way shape or style, yet for people like me who had a help device and desperate to take accountability and are keen to renounce the way your residing your existence on the time to start a clean existence with your effective little one, i think of that it has the potential to be ok. i like my son with all my heart and does no longer exchange a element now, yet of direction i think of the 'wiser' element to do might of direction might have been to have risk-free intercourse and wait until we've been plenty older. I thank God nevertheless that each little thing became out ok for us.
I met Jeff when I was 15. We waited 9 months until we had sex for the first time, used a condom, nothing happened. 3 months later, had sex for less than 2 minutes in a jacuzzi. BAM, I got pregnant. 8 weeks later I had an abortion. I suffer for it every second. I was munipulated into it by my mother, and my dad funded it (his answer for everything). Jeff and I have been married for 2 years now, together for 4 and a half. We have a home together, and a great life...but we miss our child every day. There is nothing glamorous about teenage pregnancy...
I teach at a high school and I have had plenty of pregnant students. It is really sad. Last year I had a Senior drop out of school in March because she had a baby and no one to take care of him. She was two months away from graduation. How sad.
I wish the schools would try to discourage teenage pregnancy, I feel that my school does nothing to prevent them at all.
I also have a friend who got pregnant in high school, her parents made he marry the guy. They wound up divorced a few years later. She still has not finished college and I have already finished my masters degree.