Why are presidential debates are held in universities,libraries or at other intellectual institution
Why can't they be held at bars or strip clubs where the usual joe 6 packs go
in that way these leaders will be able to relate to the average joe's
BTW I prefer strip clubs so that we can watch the debates and ladies
also tv networks don't have to worry about the censorship because very few people under the age of 21 watch political debates
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Or maybe the gay bars for republicans.
First we outline 'win' that is the variety of electorate that 'decide on' to vote for you in preserving with your debate overall performance. in preserving with this i believe the Presidential Debates will be a draw. Obama's a significantly better speaker, yet no longer a significantly better debater. Baring a significant gaff, i don't believe of many will 'change' their minds from this tournament up. i believe Pailin will area out ahead. (again barring a significant gaff) Her pastime is to %. up the uncertain female moderates & energize the conservative base. that is an extremely unusual tournament up. i could easily opt to ensure the Obama debate Palin & McCain debate Biden. because that is both debates are the hot take care of vrs the former take care of.
Yeah and Bubbles can ask an intelligent question, like "Why is my trailer so drafty"
Our Flag if Obama is elected
Because these people are refined and well, intellectual.
lol im 17 and i havent missed one yet
sick mind...