do not use Google translater or something.
전 여기있는 전형적인 학생들과는 좀 달라요. 학점벌레도 아니
고요, 명예를 얻는일에도 관심없어요, 남에게 인정받는 일에
도 별로 열의가 없다는거에요.
저는 수학을 좋아해요.
근데 남들보다 조금더 잘한다고 하는것이 자기가 앞으로 무엇
을 할지를 결정하는 데 중요한 기준이 될수는 없다는것을 알았
어요. 내 주변에 있는 몇몇 사람들과 비교해서 조금나은 수준
으로 할 수 있는 것을 가지고 재능으로 착각해서 중요한걸 결
정하면 안된다는 것을요. 남과 비교해서 잘한다는 것은 객관적
인 판단인거 같아도 비교집단을 바꿔버리면 결과는 얼마든지
달라져요. 그러나'좋아한다'라는 주관적인 판단의 근거는 내속
에 있죠, 그러므로 날 다른 사람과 비교한다고해서 평가가 달
라지는건 아니에요. 세상에는 완전히 다른 차원의 천재도 있으
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That's a lot of stuff to translate, but I worked on it with my friend and this is what I came up with:
I'm not very sure about myself at this place, cause I'm not like most of the students here. I'm no rich kid like most of them are. I must say that I'm honored, but I'm just not interested in becoming one of them. With each part though, there's a danger of that. I like math. But I'm not as good as others are good at what should be important criteria to make this important decision. Some people around me are at a higher level in comparison to me and they have the talent, which is an important thing, but it is not always the most important thing. But results are also very important as well. My objective is good compared to others and i can take criticism better in comparison to most people, which can change my results for the better. And, they will change. But the 'love' is the basis of subjective judgments. So, I would compare them. to others by the month assessment. Big brains does not necessarily mean that you are smart. The genius of the world also have an entirely different dimension because their minds are far more capable than that of an average person.