Tu diras por q esta mujer me escribe tanto, no lo se tampoco yo; pero te escribo...Por aqui todo bien(a parte de mi catarro q no pega con la estacion), bueno y q he regresado con una vagancia horrible, llevo 4 dias q tiro con la cara en el trabajo, no tengo ganas de hacer nada.bueno no tengo mucho q contar, aqui no suceden muchas cosas.te mando un beso
Update:Writtin by Cuban
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You will ask yourself why is this woman writing to me this much... I don't know either; But i write to you... Everything is well here (even though I have a cold that doesn't go with this season), and well I have arrived with an awful mood... I have 4 days that I've been miserable at work, I don't feel like doing much. Well, I don't have much to tell you, there's not a lot of interesting things going on here. Kisses.
You say that this woman writes a lot
I don't know either
But I write…
Over here everything is well dispite the cold that I cought from the season,
I have returned with a horrible sloth,
It's been 4 days since I got shot in the face at work,
I do not feel like doing anything.
I do not have much to tell,
Here not alot happens
I give you a kiss
Si tu escribe español correcto estos dos Web site hacen fácil para que usted traduzca.
Your diras by q this woman does not write to me as much, not it either I; but I write… all good to you (to part of my cold q it does not beat with the station), good This way and q I have returned with a horrible vagancia, I take to 4 days q shot with the face in the work, I do not have desire to make nada.bueno I do not have much q to count, do not happen many here cosas.te control a kiss
Accurate, human translation as follows:
"You might ask yourself why this woman writes to you so much. I don't know either, but I write. Here, everything is fine, except for my cold, that isn't quite with the season. And well, that I'm feeling horribly lazy. I've been back at work 4 days, I don't feel like doing anything. Well/Anyway, I don't have much to tell. Nothing much happens here. Kisses!"
Your diras by q this woman does not write to me as much, not it either I; but I write… all good to you (to part of my cold q it does not beat with the station), good This way and q I have returned with a horrible vagancia, I take to 4 days q shot with the face in the work, I do not have desire to make nada.bueno I do not have much q to count, do not happen many here cosas.te control a kiss
Your diras by q this woman does not write to me as much, not it either I; but I write… all good to you (to part of my cold q it does not beat with the station), good This way and q I have returned with a horrible vagancia, I take to 4 days q shot with the face in the work, I do not have desire to make nada.bueno I do not have much q to count, do not happen many here cosas.te control a kiss
Since every body is using translators like Yahoo! Babelfish I would just like to give you a heads up that online translators don't always work right. I think that they translate word for word when some times a group of words can change the meaning like with conjugations.
you( something) because this woman writes me so much, im also dont know, but i write you, here everything is good,.......what is this garbage,?
te mando un beso ---she send you a kiss though ! ! !
no tengo ganas de hacer nad---she doesnt want to do anything, she a lazy girl...jejeje
quien te escribio esta basura?
it is why i like that music via fact it is how i in my view sense approximately her. so because it is the style you sense approximately that female. Spelling errors! cansion= cancion (accessory on the o) haci = asi (accessory on the i) aci = asi ninya = nina (tilde on the 2d n) additionally: tu siente must be in basic terms sientes
freetranslation.net copy and paste it and it translates it for you