Me d mucha satisfaccion. Darme cuenta que piensas mucho en mi. Porque siendo yo sinsreo tambien pienso en ti. Y me gusta demasiado estar a tu lado pero.
Discupla que sea por esta vez lo mas siensero con tigo. Hay momentos que me siento un poco incomodo por lo que pueda suseder con tu marido.
y te pueda perjudicar a ti yi yo tenga problemas con el.
y es por eso que hay momentos. en los que me notas pensativo. y de antemano, yo no tengo nada que ofrecerte. y en Mexico me encuentro muy endrogado. Esstoy pagando una deuda de mis papas. y enpese a construir mi casa. y por el momento no pienso en este momento formalisar una relacion seria todavia. y no me lo tomes a mal. Te lo repito me gusta mucho estar a tu lado. Pero no me gustaria tener problemas directamente con tu marido. y quiero que tu me digas que podemos acer.
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It makes me happy to know you think about me so much. Because, honestly, I think about you a lot, too. And I really like being with you, but...Forgive me, because I'm going to be blunt. There are times when I feel uncomfortable, thinking about what could happen with your husband, that he could get mad at you or at me or both of us. That's why I seem so quiet sometimes, in case you've noticed. And I just want you to know that I really can't offer you much. I have a lot of (financial) problems to work out in Mexico. I'm paying back a debt that I owe to my father, and I have to pay off the house that I'm building there. So right now I don't feel comfortable getting into a serious relationship. Please don't take this the wrong way. I want you to know that I love being with you. But I really don't want to have problems with your husband. Please tell me what you think we should do.
I d much satisfaction. Give me note that I think a lot. Because being sinsreo I also believe in you. And I like to be by your side too but.
Discupla it by this time with more siensero tigo. There are moments that I feel a bit uncomfortable so it can suseder with your husband.
and you can hurt yourself yi I have trouble with.
and that is why there are moments. in the notes to me pensive. and in advance, I do not have anything to offer. Mexico and I am very endrogado. Esstoy paying a debt of my potatoes. enpese and build my house. and by the time I do not think at this point yet formalised a serious relationship. and I can not take a wrong. We repeat what I love to be by your side. But I do not want to have problems directly with your husband. and I want you tell me that we can acer.
Thats the best I can get.
It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that you think alot of me. because sincerely, i also think of you. and i like it alot to b by ur side but ...
sorry for this time that im being the most sincere with u. there are moments where i feel uncomfortable for wat could happen with ur husband. and i could hurt u and i could have problems with him. and that is y there are moments where u find me pensive. and before hand, i do not have anything to offer u. and in mexico i find myself in drugs. i am paying a debt with my parents, and i began constructing my house. and for the moment i dont think of formalizing a serious relationship just yet. and dont take it the wrong way. i will repeat it, i like it alot to b at ur side, but i wouldnt want to have problems directly with ur husband. and i want u to tell me wat we can do.
that is so so the translation.. hope it helps.