I currently have a Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Basketball league. On my Y! Fantasy homepage, basketball is listed first. However, being a huge baseball fan, I would like baseball to be at the top of the list.
To change this, you click on "Edit" in the "Teams and Leagues" bar (found on your Y! Fantasy homepage). The problem is that when I try to change the order my fantasy teams are listed in (and the 'sports news' order, as well), nothing happens. I click on "Baseball" to highlight it and click the up arrow to the right of it. When this is done, everything stays the same. All four arrows on this page (up, down, left, and right) do not work for me.
This has nothing to do with my computer. I have tried it on two other computers and nothing happens.
So, 2 questions: does anyone else have this problem? And, how does one go about fixing this problem?
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i have this issue too and we r friends with a worker in yahoo and they say that they are trying to work on these issues
WOW! Tought question here. I'd give you a vote, Jimmy, but at the same time give votes to a few others who run great leagues. You mentioned Marc. I'm in just about everything with him. For the person who asked who Marc Walker is, he has fantasy leagues/competitions in all the regular sports plus mens and womens tennis, motorcycle racing, skiing, tour de france, pick ems in all the 4 major sports. He's trying to recruit for an Australian rules football league right now. Another guy I'm in a lot of leagues with is known as the Fantasy Professor, real name Paul. He has about 15-20 baseball, football, hockey and basketball leagues getting players from all over the country involved. Dennis St. Pierre runs some great fantasy stuff with Universal usually being part of the league name. He's from Rhode Island. It's because everyone that runs the leagues puts a lot of effort into them that I play way too much. Only 19 baseball teams to manage this season, 15 Yahoo and 4 Sandbox. But simultaneously participating in golf, Nascar, Grand Prix, and winding down in basketball. CAN'T WAIT FOR FOOTBALL SEASON TO START. Or is that Dee's line, Jimmy!!!