Well this is my situation. Both me and my girlfriend are still in school (17 and 17), and we've been going out for 3 years now. Just recently, we decided that we were ready and that we should start having sex.. Of course, I used a condom, but in the middle of it, it broke and I didn't even noticed it so I ejaculated inside her. Before, I checked to see if everything was alright with it (Expiration date, no air in package etc...) So it's been 3 weeks now, and we're starting to become scared... We don't know what's happening and we don't know what to do. I've thought about going to a clinic and possibly getting an abortion for it but... I'm just not sure if I have enough for it. We can't talk to our parents because she's not allowed to date and I'll most likely get kicked out.. She's not sure when her period is and she has no idea what to do.. So can someone please just help us and give us a little bit of advice, we desprately need it..
Update:Well, she hasn't taken a home pregnancy test yet because we're too scared of the results.. I know that adoption would be a wonderful choice for the many couples who can't have kids but still.. I don't think we can go through with that since she's quite an athletic person.. And I know that what we did was irresponsible but unlike other teens who do decide to have sex, we took some precautions... Also.. I've been reading about that abortion pill called the RU-486 or something like that.. And I was wondering if that was available in Canada, and I think it would be a good choice for us. But then again, I'm still not too sure about it..
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Next time you should be smart enough and be responsible.
Before you go getting all panicky have her take the test to confirm. ( I once got so nervous about pregnancy that my period was 3 weeks late) You say your both 17, well you could get a job if keeping the baby was an option, in all honesty I doubt your parents would go to those extremes. Theyll be sooo mad, but they would probably be more mad if you ended it before discussing your options. Heres a plan if you want to keep the baby. She tells and so do you if worse comes to worse and you are thrown out there are programs which will pay her medical bills, and provide her with groceries, and usually single moms or moms to be can get low income housing for free, since your both in school that ups your chances. Then you or both of you can get a part time job, to cover the things that foodstamps wont, this way you can finish highschool. Its obvious you care for her, and maybe things happened a little sooner than the two of you wanted but you can still have a life and be a parent you just need to know that your priorities have changed. It can be done, you guys can still go to college even if its just a communitiy college at first. Before you do something you regret, find out for sure if she is. Then tell her parents and yours, they may offer more help than you could ever imagine.
Dear friend, You are looking for an easy out. There is no easy out when you are playing with life. You have before you two choices, life and death. You are responsible for creating life ifshe is pregnant, but you have no right to take it away, with a pill, or surgery or by any other means. I could have been your kid. I'm adopted and so happy to be here to respond to you. Now I'm Alive! I'm married, have a daughter, have a new house and I teach school. I'm so grateful to my adoptive and birth parents. Adoption is not easy, but it is worth it. You would not regret adoption for the rest of your life as people do abortions (silentnomoreawaereness.org) You can get support and information at a pregnancy help center, which you can find by googling optionline, or call 1800afamily. Please take good care of yourself and your baby if your girlfriend is pregnant. Sincerely, Runner
First thing you need to do is stop worrying until you find out if she really is pregnant or not. There is a chance that she is not and you are worrying yourself for nothing. Now, IF she is pregnant, you two need to get together and figure out how you are going to tell your parents. (hers and yours) You think the worst will happen if you tell them, but most kids too and it hardly ever turns out as bad as they thought it would. They can help you decide what your options are and what you need to do. But, I really hope that you change your mind about the whole abortion thing. If you wasn't ready for a baby, then you shouldn't have been having sex. BUT...if you really can't see keeping the baby, then give it up for adoption. That is a much better option than abortion(of course, that is just my opinion) But for now, just calm down and relax because you may be worrying for no reason. Good luck.
has she taken a pregnancy test? the first step is to find ou if she is pregnant and if it is positive you can go to a planned parenthood and get advise there. be prepared for several pro-life responses to this peope telling you that there are people out there that cant have kids and that you shoud put it up for adoption... whic is actually more of my personal opinion but sometimes that really doest seem to be an option. you need to talk to someone who has experiance in this I advise a doctor or planned parenthood. and maybe you want to move this quesion to women's health since the women here want to keep their children.
Talk with her about what she wants and don't be afraid you need to know if she is or not. I don't know about abortion pills so talk to a doctor or a pharmacist. If she is pregnant trust me an abortion is not something she wants to go through without her parents, as strict as they may seem I am certain that they want what is best for her and they will be there for emotional support. do plenty of research before you make any decisions
were you thinking about her sports "career" when you decided to have sex? no, i didn't think so.....but now because you made this "mistake" is it on the front burners now?
look......find out if she is pregnant first then think about adoption.....talk to your parents too
i had to go to my parents ONCE (thought i was pregnant).......that's all it took. It may seem unrealistic to many but my choice on the matter after that was no sex...what a concept!!!!
i realized even then that i was way too young to be playing with other peoples lives.
stop this nonsense and enjoy being a kid. you have the rest of your life to be an ADULT. enjoy your freedom from these kinds of worries and responsibilities
GOOD LUCK to the both of you
man are you dumb or what! next time you want to have sex i hope you think of this moment. tell your parents. tell your girlie friend to put the baby up for imediate adoption after birth. that way you don't kill the baby and your parents won't kill you when they find out cause you know they will. parents always know. trust me. if you get kicked out call some friends or aunts and uncles that don't like your parents. they're always helpful when you get kicked out.
adoption is a great option...please dont abort it if she is pregnant.