I'm researching how Vesta is placed in the natal chart and how that placement cooresponds to people's views on physical fitness and healthy eating habits.
**Please tell me, what is your Vesta placement, by sign and house?
(if you don't know, you can go to astro.com, to the extended chart section, and run a chart with your asteroids..)
**How much do you value physical fitness? Do you work out regularly? Do you eat well, organically, take suppliments?
Update:No, not that "thing" from cafeastrology....
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I value being healthy, not necessarily being real physically fit. I used to work out regularly, but not as much as I used to. I think I care more when I have a set goal to reach, not just working out for no other purpose. For example, I used to always work out everyday whenever I played basketball with people once a week. The thought of trying to stay in shape and having some competition gave me some motivation to stay fit. Maybe, my Aries Moon needs competition to motivate it, lol. I don't take supplements, although I'm currently looking into some good vitamins for blood pressure and/or better circulation. It's usually an all or nothing thing with me, when it comes to exercise or anything else for that matter.
Vesta in Libra in the 4th, sextile Sag sun and mercury here -
I have always been concerned about nutritional eating habits and especially now in the second half of life as diabetes runs in my family - both sides. I don't always eat organic food because sometimes I think it is more hype and unnecessary extra cost, but I do try to prepare healthy meals and snacks. I try to stay away from too much beef and bread and make fresh fruits and vegetables the bulk of what I eat and serve.
I do value physical fitness very much, but I tend to fluctuate (years) between being very motivated / disciplined and being more sedentary.......same thing with vitamins.
That thing from astrology.com? I don't buy it, I think Pallas if anything has more to do with health, physical fitness is a pretty obvious Mars issue. I think their basis for that is their mythological interpretation of Vesta. Mark Lerner attributes Vesta to things like insurance policies.
I value my health, try to eat the right things and exercise (but don't always).
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