So. Here's the thing. I'm fifteen, 5'8", and probably around 320 pounds. Oh, and a girl.
My question is - when you've been pretty.. big, just about your entire life, is there even hope to lose the weight? I've never actually tried. And since probably the age of.. five. I've been a more than decent size. Well! Now I'm ready to really try to lose it. As in, diet, exercise, and all that good stuff. I'm tired of being disgusted with myself. (:
Oh. And, don't make rude comments. I really don't care. Other than the answer to my question, and maybe sound advice, I don't want to hear it.
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When I was 15, I felt like you. I had big my entire life, and it seemed I would be this way and would have to accept it. I weighed less than you, I was about 187 pounds and about the same height as you. But this was still classed as overweight, and I got teased so badly.
When I just turned 16, I moved out of my mother's home, who had been force feeding me junk food and wouldn't let me exercise (she was a psycho, but that's a story for another time) to my father's home.
It was here where I ate healthy and exercised a lot.
On the menu was everyday for breakfast I had cereal that contained no sugar, just fiber (although now I've swapped that for fruit & yoghurt) for lunch I only had a muesli bar, a piece of fruit and a salad sandwich and for dinner I had lean meat and lots of vegetables.
My exercise regime was that I went to the gym for a half an hour workout 3-5 times a week and I walked to and from school 5 days a week.
I now weigh 143 lbs (which is 65 kilograms) and even if I don't weight 110 lbs I don't care, my BMI is perfect and I gained a lot of muscle in my legs. I do not appear overweight at all, and when I show people pictures of how I looked 14/15 they don't believe me. I'm now 18 btw.
What I'm trying to say is that you can do it. I really do believe in you. You are not stuck that way forever if you change your living habits. I believed I was too, but I'm a different person now.
You might take longer than me, but the only reason why I stopped losing weight was because I hit a healthy weight and I had no more excess fat to burn off. I guarantee you that if you kept up my habits for 6 months, you'd lose just as much as I did, maybe even more.
It feels good to weigh less as an 18 year old than you did when you were 10.
There is hope of course...don't worry..
The best way is to eat healthy. To lose weight, what you eat is 80%. If you do all the exercises, it won't help you if you don't eat right. For breakfast eat oatmeal with banana. For lunch, eat a chicken salad with vegetables or Fish with brown rice. For dinner, eat brown fried rice except fry your rice with olive oil since that is "healthy" fat with lots of vegetables. You should at least strength train for 15 minutes and do cardio rest of the time. You should also switch up your cardio sometimes by going from walking to doing free kickboxing or belly dancing online to shock your muscles. Oh have a cheat day too, you know eating mcdonalds or whatever you like once a week.
Starting at 15 is great because you're metabolism is high and you burn calories sooo much faster! So seriously start some cardio, you can youtube awesome workouts just by typing in "workout part 1" so you get the entire video!
I started at 15 when i wanted to lose weight and i've lost a total of 60 pounds, i was 180, now 120 in about 7 months. i am now 20 and still the same weight! :D Try billy blanks workouts, awesome cardio, drink lots of water. you can still eat the food you enjoy, but small portions! :)
Eat healthy, diet, exercise, all that good stuff. I also recommend you to go to Weight Watchers, I have a friend of mine that lost 60-70 pounds on weight watchers in about 8months or so. Good Luck and I hope you drop all that extra weight!
skipping meals can cause your body to go into a fat storing starvation mode making it harder to burn calories
walk a toy poodle for 41 minutes at 2 miles per hour
stand while styling your hair and putting on makeup
pass on pop youll be amazed by how much weight you drop by simply switching to water
never eat any snack food out of the box carton or bag it came in you re less likely to overeat if you separate snacks into appropriate fist sized servings
While you re going to vacation take some fitness accessories along with you