This may sound stupid to you, but I am an Energy Vampire. No, I'm not an attention seeker or anything stupid like that. I'm being serious. Okay, so back to the point. I read an article on how to control energy because I'm just getting used to it. I turned my computer off and decided to try it. I went to lye on my bed. The lights were on in my room. I just relaxed before trying it, and opened my eyes. The lights started to flicker really badly, and I wasn't even trying to do it, I was just relaxing. And no, they aren't old light bulbs. Is it because of the Energy Vampire thing?
And please, no stupid comments or saying anything like 'OMG vampires don't exist, dumbass'
That's just folktales. They don't actually hate light.
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It would not matter if you are an energy vampire or not, it has nothing to do with the light.
As for animal lover, it also has nothing to do with puberty and you will be very disappointed with your expectations of what a true energy vampire can do. Forget the Hollywood BS.
A true energy vampire is able to control and manipulate the energy through their body, both drawing it form others/their surroundings or pushing it into others/their surroundings. This differs from magic use which is done for effect and Reiki which is channeling energy for healing.
I have seen/experienced all three of these and what you stated comes closest to the effects I have seen with a Reiki 'Master' who was not adept at grounding after a Reiki session. Any light switch she would touch soon after a session would burn out the light and with other electronics there was also some interference. Another unwanted effect I have seen when energy manipulation of various sorts was used and not well controlled has been the weakening of stone settings in jewelry which I had checked with a jeweler I trust to verify that prior to the energy manipulation was fully in order and afterward had changed and become weaker in the setting.
If you want to effectively develop control of the energy flow in your body, as a start you could find a biofeedback monitor and follow the instructions. With practice one can learn to alter the results of a polygraph test, I have done this in the military, tested by their polygraph operators in Ft.McClellan, Alabama. It also works to manipulate the E-Meter used by Scientology although they do tend to get upset about it and I do not recommend joining but if someone wants out... The biofeedback monitors were popular in the 80's and inexpensive ones were available at Radio Shack. I have been outside of the US since 1984 so I do not know if or where you may now find one.
LabGrrl, you will probably never see any documentation coming from the military although if you want proof so you can believe, pick up a good biofeedback monitor and come on over to Europe and I would be willing to show you along with letting you experience a couple other things you tend to answer questions saying for the other to provide proof. This is not an open invitation for anyone, just for you personally.
Nathan Jessop, I take it you are referring to the bogus Randi Challenge. The Randi challenge was in itself challenged and Randi backed down. All the standard procedures were to be met with 2 additional clauses. First is that the judges were to be 3 retired impartial US judges. Randi was allowed to show any fraud but the judges would decide if his claims were valid or if the requirements had been met. Second was that if the challenger were not to be successful, a $10,000 (or possibly $100,000 I cannot remember which figure, it has been a while) donation would be paid by the challenger to the Randi Foundation. James Randi backed down claiming he was the one that made the rules and they would not be changed. He as the judge is not impartial and has himself stated that no one would ever claim the prize because he always has a way out. His challenge is as fraudulent, if not more so than those he claims to be able to prove as fraudulent.
Tamara, I have experienced NDE/short term death more than once and have no problem wearing watches which I do wear one most of the time. I used to have the watch stopping problem well before the first NDE. It stopped when I became efficient with biofeedback and control of the natural flow of the body's energy.
Understand that all of these things are natural even when some people claim their non-existence. There are things that science does not yet have proof for and a way of explaining. Many claims are by frauds which places actual ones in serious doubt which is not unjustified but there are also things that science cannot disprove. Keep an open mind, learn and experiment. You may some day be the person that does provide the scientifically accepted proof.
Good luck and have fun.
Edit: to Coasterfreak5, Lights have a different sort of energy. Would you put water in the gas tank of a car and expect it to run? They are both liquid. This is basically the same logic as you use with the lights.
Tom, you seem to base your knowledge on books or movies, forget Hollywood. Light is simply a different form of energy as stated above. You also are referring to the story idea of vampires which are blood sucking ones (again forget Hollywood) and not energy vampires.
There are people who can affect electricity, but I don't like the term "vampire". I would use a different term.
Of course, it's so hip to be called a vampire nowadays.
Perhaps it's a variety of Telekinesis.
Whitley Strieber writes that electrical appliances don;t work when he gets near them.
Here's a bit of an article I had, I don't have the URL unfortunately.
Near Death Experiences and Watches
After asking 27 NDEers if they wear a watch, about 80% said no. Most say they do not wear watches because they mysteriusly stop working.
Some say their watches work fine when they don't wear them. I originally read about this phenomenon in a Melvin Morse, M.D. book
("Transformed by the Light" page 142). I originally thought he had to be crazy when he wrote "One-fourth of a study population that mysteriously stops watches is astonishing, especially compared to the other groups we studied." When I read that, I stopped reading his book.
I thought he was being absurd if not lying. Up to that point, I had enjoyed his book. But now I'm a convert. If you know of any NDEers, just ask them two non-leading questions: 1) Do you wear a watch? 2) Why not? The vast majority of NDEers are not aware of this phenomenon and they don't connect their watch problem with their NDE.
Morse says 4% of normal adults and 2% of out-of-body experiencers claim they make watches stop.
You may be taking the energy from lights. Some energy vampires don't try to do it it just happens. I'm not one, but I believe in energy vampires so I don't think your crazy. If you need anymore help you can contact me through my profile I'd be glad to help. Hope this helps.
Well that is really quite possible. Energy Vampires possess the ability to manipulate and 'suck' energy. Try a few more tests, read up on it, maybe see a psychic (a reputable one).
Good luck!! :D
There's a 1 million dollar reward for anyone who can actually exhibit paranormal abilities. Good luck with that.
hehe! im one too. arent we awsome? yes, that is completely normal. you aregoing through vampire puberty. when ur and adult u'll be able to burn the lights out! im only 11 so i have barely started vampire puberty. all i know is that i am one!
ok first vampires what if i said that laptops are contained with light?U cant even use acomputer cause of the light they really hate light use ur mine.
i frickin' love vampires.
but your ruining it for me...i think u need to lay off the drugs
When you document your phenomena, I will believe you. If you cannot, I will not.