Invest wisely, insure pricey assets, and do not donate to sketchy charities or spend on items you do not really need. If you invest in the stock market, look into the stocks before you place your hard-earned money in them. Understand the liabilities associated with any major purchases you make. Realize the legal repercussions if you purchase a swimming pool or company and someone in it gets injured.
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Invest wisely, insure pricey assets, and do not donate to sketchy charities or spend on items you do not really need. If you invest in the stock market, look into the stocks before you place your hard-earned money in them. Understand the liabilities associated with any major purchases you make. Realize the legal repercussions if you purchase a swimming pool or company and someone in it gets injured.
I assume you meant, what can protect you from financial loss?
Having margin in your finances is the best way.
That is explained on this site: