The "Fave 5" one cracks me up. When the daughter tells her parents who are in her 5, and then the son does and it is the same people, and then the father tells her she needs to have uglier friends. Makes me laugh everytime.
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the orbitz (sp) gum commercial where the wife throws the husbands clothes and stuff at him in his office and the girlfriend/secretary says "who are you calling a beauty lint licker" - it makes me lol
That IS a good one! I like the OTHER Fave 5 where the guy (older brother?) grabs the slightly younger guy's phone to check out the Fave 5 and laughs b/c they're all animals (the boy's friends look like those animals). Then he sees a pig and snort-laughs saying WHO could be a PIG? <laughsnortlaugh>
I also like the one w/ the woman wearing the neck brace and the doctor reviews the behavior that put her there. She'd had a hair showdown w/ another woman and the hair flapping put a crick in her neck and the resulting neck brace. That's hilarious to me! All the standing up to flap her hair in circles...
The Trunk Monkey commercials
I hate Geico, but some of their commercials are hillarious.
Like the True Hollywood Story of the first Cabbage Patch Kid.
or the Investigation on the Flinstones and Wilma's pearls...
I hate the cavemen...but the lizzard is cute.
Just about EVERY NASCAR driver commercial. Especially where Carl Edwards challenges a Mongolian farmer to a yak race.
Haha I like that commercial. There is also a Comcast commercial that cracks me up, when they have the speed walking champion on a treadmill and the guy who is testing him is like watch this and cranks up the speed. The guy who is observing all of this asks why he doesn't just run and the testing guy says because he wouldn't be speed walking. Sounds dumb on here, guess you would have to watch it to appreciate it.
I like the new Bud Light commercial where they are driving and there is a man on the side of the road with a case of Bud Light and an axe, and they argue whether or not they're going to pick him up or not.
The Aflack duck steals money from a womans purse. Cant wait for the superbowl for the good commercials.
Boom Chica Waua commercials.....
Also, the burgerking commercial where the dad trys to get his son from messing with the girls at a party...hilarious
And finally, and all of the caveman commercials
The one for the Lysol wipes where the woman is wiping down her kitchen with the raw chicken leg. Also the Windex one where the magpies close the sliding door and the man walks into it and hilarity ensues!
got milk commercial with the 3 old men in the diner and some young guys are picking on some people and the old dudes flick peas at them and turn around real fast giggling ,,finally the young guys confront them and say you wanna dance old man ,,the one old guy groans and head buts the guy ,,next thing you see the old guys running for their car and one old dude slides acrossed the hood like a young kid , then the screen says got milk lmao every time i see it