Those ones that try prove AGW is right, do they tell us the variables they put in? do they tell us how much they changed it by?
Do they factor in cloud coverage? Sun spots? water vapour? urban island heating effect? sea tempretures?
to predict the climate of the future do they do any of this?
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Computer models input many different variable to determine climate. When the models are tested with known data, or hind-casted, the variables are tweaked to get the desired results. Many times complete sections of data is missing, so information is fill in.
In the end the information does show that the computer models can accurately hind-cast past climate. However these models still cannot forecast climate.
At the end of the day computer models are still just models.
So they factor in all of those things as well as a whole bunch of other things. They are called Global Circulation Models (GCMs), and are really compilations of a bunch of sub-models.
Among the things they include are ice cover (albedo), atmospheric chemistry (greenhouse gases and water vapour), ocean temperatures, convection in the atmosphere and ocean, ocean chemistry, and incoming solar radiation (sun spots, and other variations due to the earth's distance from the sun).
While there is uncertainty in the outputs of the GCMs (and thus the effects of climate change), there is no question that trace gas chemistry of the atmosphere has a significant effect on the global climate.
There is nothing to consider beyond 100 years of anthropogenic CO2!
"Lots of people participated in the Global Warming "scientific consensus." The group includes, but is not limited to, people like....Jim Hansen, Al Gore, Ban Ki Moon, Joesph Stalin, Kim Jong Il, Stephanie Miller, Barbara Boxer, Roosh Limboosh, Muammar al-Gaddafi, Lynn Woolsey, Carol Migden, Dianne Feinstein, Leon Trotsky, and Hank the Angry Drunken Eco-Dwarf. These folks are much smarter than all of us combined and when they say anthropogenic C02 (ppm) X (fudge factor) = global climate, they are right, even if they express climate in terms of degrees C."
Climate models do not try to "prove AGW is right". They try to model the changes in the global climate.
Here is a chart of the largest forcings they account for.
They account for everything on your list (except solar irradiance, not sunspots which don't directly effect global temperature).