I have had both, but I must say that the laptop is quite handy with travelling and taking along where ever I go if I want. It takes a bit of getting used to the smallness compared to the desk top. You can get a reg sized key board or a mouse if you want, I have tried that but my computer did not like all of the plug ins that I was using, so I am back to the keyboard that comes with the package. As I said, you get used to it.
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I prefer the laptop, but you would have to choose what you need most.
1. Easier to pack around.
2. More compact.
3. Easier to upgrade certain things.
4. And everything is right in front of you.
5. Has a battery
1. sometimes less powerful
2. Harder to replace things if they break.
3. More expensive
1. easier to replace, and upgrade everything
2. more powerful
3. cant be stolen as easy
4. You don't have to buy a whole new thing to upgrade something like a display.
1. cant be moved around with you all the time
2. does not come with a battery (as far as i know, they never have)
Like I said, you have to pick whats good for you, I cant recite everything that they have against each other.
I have had both, but I must say that the laptop is quite handy with travelling and taking along where ever I go if I want. It takes a bit of getting used to the smallness compared to the desk top. You can get a reg sized key board or a mouse if you want, I have tried that but my computer did not like all of the plug ins that I was using, so I am back to the keyboard that comes with the package. As I said, you get used to it.
A Desktop, because its easily up-datable and repairable !
laptop is very convenient