"I'm hearing a lot of people saying, 'He's too young, he's too inexperienced,' " said Philadelphia AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding. "What they're really saying is, 'He's black.' "
So...is this true?
Update:I can see it now, when Hussein Obama loses...it'll be because he is black.
No other reason.
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You will think what you will think and I won't be able to change that. People are blind to the truth. I am not voting for Obama. It has absolutely nothing to do with color. It has everything to do with his political beliefs.
Think back to Alan Keys.
So, every Dem is supposed to vote for Obama and if they don't, they are racist? What an analogy! Not all whites love blacks. If everyone could get over the "racists" thing and look at all the other reasons, things would be a little more understood. Not everyone likes the same thing, OK!
That's crazy! The only reason he even got the nomination is because he IS black! Had Hillary run against a white Obama he would have dropped out when Biden did. 143 days in the Senate. Just a fact.
I think he meant "He's too young, he's too inexperienced".
You intimate that anyone with reservations about Obama is racist.
Granted there are racists out there but you can't hang that term on Pat Eiding on the basis of what he said.
That article did not make a blanket statement like that. The fact is, there are a large number of people, especially in rural areas like Pennsylvania, who are uncomfortable with a black person being president.
Of course you aren't racist because you don't support him. But it's kind of hard to understand if you're a Democrat.
How about his stance on Abortion Alone! Never mind they do not appreciate his Racist pastor his association with a known terrorist his stupid comments Lipstick on a pig,typical white grandmother clinging to guns and religion Yeah Obama is a saint..Not How about not liking his tax plan Cut it out with the race card Mccain 08
I actually spoke with a person who told me that she and her family have always been democrats, even worked for the party; but where they come from they would never vote for a black man. Kinda funny since I thought Dems put over the image that they're the ones that aren't racist, when in actuality it's the reverse.
i do no longer think of you particularly comprehend what good judgment is predicated upon the question you have asked. Obama develop into criticising Kanya West yet develop into in no way a criticism in accordance with race. How do you even see that?
I'm guessing Pat Eiding is black.
I guess anyone not voting for Obama is a racist.Hell even Micheal Steele is a racist.<sarcasm> in case you didn't get it.